The Indie Game Magazine September 2015 | Issue 53 | Page 12
One Legged Seagull Interview
by Vinny Parisi
GM: Super Indie Karts has evolved
quite a bit from its original Super World
Karts iteration. Can you talk about the
experience of developing the project,
beginning with your original vision for
the Kickstarter?
Paul Hamilton: It’s definitely been a
project which has very clearly evolved
over time, with each crossover in fact,
and I had no idea when I started it that
it would look how it does right now.
a lot of spark, but it had potential and
it still felt nice to play a mode7 style
racer on my iPad.
As the first Kickstarter attempt was stalling, I put a bit of time into thinking about
the style of the game, and considered
making it a steampunk style kart game,
which I think would be cool; but then
the dev behind Lobodestroyoreached
out about including this crazy Luchador
wolf character as a crossover kart. Then
a backer played developer-matchmaker
on Twitter and suddenly Tim Burr from
Fist Of Awesomewas involved too, and
it just snowballed from there into what
it is now, a game filled with crossovers.
When it first began as Super World Karts,
I just wanted to make a simple mode7style 90s era kart racer with animal
characters from around the world for
iPad (I hadn’t heard of WackyWheels
at that point). In comparison to what it IGM: Be honest with me: How good are
is today, it was very vanilla and lacked you at kart racing games? Do you have
The Indie Game Magazine