'The Independent Music Show Magazine' July 2023 | Page 7

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Brought To You By;

Celebrity Publicist & Music Promoter

Danie Cortese Entertainment & Publicity

Website: www.daniecorteseent.com

Instagram & Twitter: @ daniecorteseent

Facebook:@ daniecorteseentertainment

Based in Las Vegas, Nevada, Bruce Makin is a singer - songwriter - musician & actor. Music & acting have always been his greatest passions. His musical experience began, when Makin was part of a Rock/Metal band, playing bass guitar. The band needed a vocalist & Makin soon discovered he could sing. Lead vocalist was in the cards for him. This fueled his interest to write original music and shelf the cover tunes. When the band split, Makin got some recording equipment, and started creating and recording his own music and the rest as they say, is history. Makin was inspired by many artists and bands through the years. He aspires to create music that is from his heart, that means something to people, and inspires others worldwide.

Bruce Makin is a highly determined and a driven individual. Talented in many areas. He was an actor for a haunting attraction for 5 years. The last 3 of the 5 years, he was promoted to acting coach. Where, not only did he perform in various roles, but also coached and taught others how to act out their roles more effectively: (75 + actors). He's looking into producing film as well for video's for his music,and move on with other possible projects. Rock

In April (2016), Makin released a musical project entitled "Euphoric". His song "Forever and a Day" aired on the "Trend City Radio Show" in LA. California. In May, 2016, the track was #13 the Top 20 count down. His rendition of "Jingle Bells" was also on the Top 20 count down in 2015, on that same station. Bruce has been interviewed on radio based in Las Vegas in 2016 Ace Michaels Show, Makin has since then done a campaign with Danie Cortese Entertainment putting out one of his songs on Radio internationally "Forever and A Day" which has been circulating since, and he continues working with DCE INTERNATIONAL PUBLICITY in promoting his music to radio etc. world wide.

Makin released a single "I Got It All" in 2016, and"I Just Can't Go On (RADIO EDIT)" in 2017. Makin has had a few more releases, June 2022 " New Beginning", September 2022 "Animal In Me", and October 2022"The Haunting (Last Ride) and reproduction of an older song he felt needed improvement. Makin has had an exclusive interview with "The Hollywood Digest" for his songs airing on radio world wide, and has had 2 good reviews for his song "This Kind Of Love" with "Pop Icon Magazine", and "Melody Maker Magazine" Bruce Makin has another release lined up for May 5, 2023 Called "Pretty People", and is writing,producing and preparing, more exciting music to be released in the future.

His goals and long term passions are to inspire and entertain the world.

Bruce Makin has a motto: "If I imagine it, I will make it!!!". Looks like he

is well on his way as he is in the process of launching another

International campaign through the assistance of Danie Cortese

Entertainment, a highly credited PR firm that has promoted some of

the biggest names in the music business.

"Stay tuned for more on Makin, says Danie Cortese, CEO, sure to be

'Makin' some history in this business."