The impact of people on climate change 1 | Page 13

Climate change will redistribute (NewS)



A study, led by researchers from the AZTI Haritz Arrizabalaga and Maite Erauskin-Extramiana technology center, has taken into account the effect of environmental conditions on the global distribution of tuna

Specifically, the study predicts that temperate tunas such as northern bonito, Atlantic bluefin tuna and southern bluefin tuna will move towards the poles. Bigeye, on the other hand, will decrease in the tropics to move to more temperate zones.

On the contrary, the analysis predicts that skipjack and yellowfin tuna, the main canned tunas, will become more abundant in the tropics, as well as in most of the exploitation zones of the coastal countries, that is, in the maritime strips They extend from its coast to a distance of 200 nautical miles.

"Bearing in mind that most of the human consumption of tuna protein comes from the skipjack and yellowfin tuna from the tropical belt, the data obtained is relatively good news for tuna fishing to continue to be an important source of food," says the expert. .