'the imjin magazine' Summer 2024 | Page 26

Discounted tickets for local attractions Innsworth Station Welfare Office have discounted family tickets for nearby attractions :


Innsworth Station Welfare Office & Community Centre
The Welfare Office is based outside of Imjin Barracks , Innsworth . It is near the Innsworth SFA Area , behind the Costcutter shop on Innsworth Lane . The welfare office is located next to the Old Station Nursery which adjoin each other .
The Innsworth Station Community Centre is located immediately opposite the welfare office main entrance .
Office opening hours : Monday-Thursday 0830-1700 Friday 0830-1230
The full address , contact telephone number and email address are :
Innsworth Station Welfare Office Headquarters Allied Rapid Reaction Corps , Imjin Barracks , Innsworth , Gloucester , GL3 1HW
Welfare Reception Telephone : 01452 362550 Email : welfarearrc @ hotmail . co . uk
Welfare Facilities
The Welfare Office manages the station welfare facilities including the Community Centre , Contact Houses , Bouncy Castles , Attraction Tickets and 9-seater Minibus hire . The Community Centre is available and used for meetings , events and parties .
The two Contact Houses are available for short term welfare related matters . Use of the houses is based on welfare priority order .
The Bouncy Castles can be booked for events & parties , held in the Centre or at personnel ’ s home .
The Minibus can be booked for work or private use .
The facilities are booked and paid for in advance . Contact the Welfare Office Reception for full information , payments and how to book .
Imjin Station Community Facebook ( FB ) Page
In conjunction with the newly created HQ ARRC website , the formal conduit of all information associated with Imjin Barracks and its people is the ‘ Imjin Station Community ’ FB Page . The page is regularly updated with day to day matters and events that affect all those associated with Imjin station .
Welfare Facebook Page – Imjin Station Community www . facebook . com / groups / Imjinstationcommunity
Station Welfare Centre Sway
The Station Welfare Centre Sway contains contact numbers , up-to-date information on events and activities run by welfare team , and information on attraction / sports tickets and welfare facilities . It also provides links to external agencies including AWS , SSAFA , ABF etc .
Discounted tickets for local attractions Innsworth Station Welfare Office have discounted family tickets for nearby attractions :
WWT Slimbridge Bowditch , Slimbridge , Gloucestershire , GL2 7BT wwt . wwt . org . uk / wetlands-centres / slimbridge
Noah ’ s Ark Zoo Farm Clevedon Road , Wraxall , Bristol , BS48 1PG www . noahsarkzoofarm . co . uk
All Things Wild Station Road , Honeybourne , Nr Evesham WR11 7QZ www . allthingswild . co . uk
Gloucester Rugby Tickets ( Four season tickets ) www . gloucesterrugby . co . uk
Cheltenham Town FC Tickets ( Discount code to book everyday match tickets can be obtained from welfare centre ) www . ctfc . com
Tickets are booked and paid for in advance . To book discounted tickets to the attractions and season tickets to the sports please contact the Welfare Office for further details by emailing the Unit Welfare Warrant Officer / Welfare receptionist , Miss Becky Wilson : welfarearrc @ hotmail . co . uk
Service Family Accommodation ( SFA )
Family Outreach Meetings
Representatives from Pinnacle , Vivo , Welfare and the PN Housing Officer ( HO ) hold monthly Outreach Meetings in conjunction with Coffee Mornings on the last Friday of every month in the Innsworth Community Centre .
These meetings provide an opportunity for anyone experiencing SFA issues to discuss matters directly with the contractors responsible for SFA repair and maintenance . Details of the dates and times of the meetings can be found in HQ ARRC Bulletins and on the Imjin Station Community Facebook site .
SFA Allocations
Housing Service Personnel ( SP ) posted to Imjin Barracks in a house and area of their choice poses difficulties at any time of the year . Although every effort will always be made to achieve a SP ’ s aspiration , this is not always possible . On occasion there is simply insufficient housing stock available in the desired location .
It is important to note that SFA Pre-Move Out ( PMO ) and Move Out ( MO ) appointments should be made by the occupant as soon as possible after receiving their Assignment Order . PMO should be booked 3 months before end of tour and there must be at least two weeks between PMO and MO appointments . SFAs cannot be reallocated until the resident has booked both appointments , and a pre-Move Out has taken place .
Any delay in booking either appointment has significant knock-on effects . Not only does it hamper the HO ’ s ability to identify vacant properties to ensure a timely and efficient Move In plan , but it can also :
● Prevent a SP being allocated a property in the location of their choice .
● Condense the time needed for an individual from both the UK and overseas to organise their travel and house move arrangements .
● Potentially cause children of school age to miss the start of the new academic year .
● Disrupt a SP ’ s Induction Training into ARRC .
Outgoing residents should also be aware that on departure of SFA , Pinnacle and Vivo contractually have 15 working days to make ready a property for the next resident adding further delay to the Move In process .
If you have any queries about the application process , booking pre-Move Outs and Move Outs or other housing issues , please do email : allison . clayton100 @ mod . gov . uk
26 SUMMER 2024 the imjin Imjin Station Community