'the imjin magazine' Summer 2024 | Page 21


International Family Day
Grazia Spizzichino
The International Family Day is the annual event held at Imjin Barracks to reunite all contingents with their families in one place . Here , children have plenty of space to play together and have a day full of fun and games , thanks to events organised especially for them , such as fancy face-painting , a bouncy castle or collecting flags from the stands present , a game that involves them in a splendid flag hunt to correctly complete the “ passport ” received at the start of the day , while for adults it is a special opportunity to share special moments with other contingents .
Each contingent has its own stand , decorated with the national colours , flags and typical products , but above all garnished with traditional food that everyone can enjoy during the event .

A military family in Innsworth

Adriana Tardi
Q : Hi Wyke , can you tell us something about yourself ?
Last August I arrived in Innsworth with my family for my posting at HQ ARRC . We are from the Netherlands and were welcomed by the small Dutch community . For our 3 small children it was a huge change , but thankfully they have settled in well . Their English is very impressive , and they are enjoying going to the local schools and nursery . We were very fortunate . Even though it ’ s my posting at the HQ , my husband was offered a job as well , so he too is posted at the HQ .
Q : Throughout the year various events are organised for military families . Do you participate in any of these events ?
As one can expect our life with three children and with both of us in a full-time job it can get quite busy at times . Life on a military patch is a new experience for us , but we enjoy it very much . The atmosphere is extremely pleasant especially with its large international community . Even though work can be demanding at times , with various exercises , training events and courses , there are also many opportunities to do other activities . We enjoyed the various social events and great parties throughout the year . However , those were mainly focussed on the partners instead of the children .
Throughout the day , you can attend several shows ; in different editions the Gurkha Ladies have performed their traditional dances and live music has always gladdened this wonderful day that ends with the everpresent raffle in which the lucky winners take home special and wonderful prizes .
Participation in the International Family Day is a unique opportunity to try food and drink from the participating contingents , and a festive and light-hearted way to get together in a multicultural atmosphere .
Also , the Welfare community organises some great events from time to time . Shortly after our arrival I went on an exercise for several weeks with almost the entire HQ . In this period the Welfare organised a movie event in the IBC for all families . I think this is considerate and shows a lot of appreciation for the families . They organise an activity during most holidays , however we haven ’ t had much opportunity to undertake those due to other activities over this these periods . I do however appreciate their services a great deal , a particular highlight is the tickets they offer . All in all , they make life here a little easier and helped us integrate as a family .
Q : Which event did you enjoy most ?
As I haven ’ t participated in a lot , I can only say that I enjoyed all of them . The two that stick out the most are the Burns Night Supper and the horse races at the Cheltenham Festival .
Q : In your opinion , do these events help provide a sense of community in a multinational context ?
Even though we haven ’ t attended most of the activities I feel they are very important to contribute building a sense of community . Most of the families that arrive here don ’ t have any acquaintances nearby . All the activities help to make new friends in an informal manner . I am aware of the ARRC Social Club , but because of my job I have only attended one coffee morning . It was a very nice social event , moreover with lovely food .
Q : A sentence in your own language ?
Dankjewel voor dit interview . We vinden het heel leuk hier te wonen en werken en genieten iedere dag van dit avontuur .
Thank you for this interview . We like living and working here very much and are enjoying this adventure every day .
The ARRC Social Club ( ASC ) is an inclusive club set up for all partners of everybody posted to - or attached to - NATO ’ s Allied Rapid Reaction Corps at Imjin Barracks ( Headquarters ARRC , 1st ( United Kingdom ) Signal Brigade , ARRC Support Battalion and GCHQ ).
What does the ASC do ? The ASC arranges events to bring together all nationalities and ranks represented at the ARRC at Imjin Barracks . These include monthly coffee mornings and lunches , hosted in turn by different nations , which give a real taste of each other ’ s customs , culture and cuisine . They are a wonderful opportunity to meet new people and learn more about the different nations that make up the Imjin Community . Throughout the year the ASC organises trips to places like the Christmas Shopping trip to London and local areas of interest , as well as various other events and activities . There are also a variety of formal and informal clubs associated with the ASC to join including Innsworth Military Wives choir , the ASC walking club and Book Club . See the list below for more details .
How do I join ? It couldn ’ t be easier . Email the ASC Secretary theascsecretary @ gmail . com for regular updates about ASC events . Or join our Facebook group www . facebook . com / groups / ARRCSocialClub We look forward to seeing you !
ASC activities / regular events : Coffee mornings - hosted in turn by different nations - every month . Everyone is welcome , with or without children , and with visiting relatives . Held at the Community Centre . International lunches - hosted in turn by different nations - every month . Everyone is welcome , with or without children , and with visiting relatives , booking required .
Walk and cultural event – every month . Book Club – held every month , 8pm at the Community Centre . Innsworth Military Wives Choir – every Wednesday . Bring a Bottle - every 3 months approximately . Welfare Coffee morning – Fridays 10:00am . If you would like to contribute to any future articles , please email them to theimjin2021 @ gmail . com


ARRC Social Club the imjin SUMMER 2024