'the imjin magazine' Summer 2021 | Page 24


A guide to applying for Service Families ’ Accomodation

If you ’ re eligible for Service Family Accommodation ( SFA ) and want to apply for a Service family home , you need to complete an application using the e-1132 application system available on the Defence Intranet .
You must make your application on a MOD secure web connection , to protect your information .
If you need us to make any special considerations or medical adaptations , please make sure you let Amey know on your application ( contact details on page 25 ).
When you submit your application , the e-1132 system will show you any available properties that match your entitlement and can be prepared in time for your required moving date . NB : To access the e-1132 system , please input the following URL into your browser address bar when logged on to the Defence Intranet : https :// e1132 . domisr . r . mil . uk / e1132
For security protection reasons , the e-1132 will NOT work on the Internet .
Deployed or on Operations
Personnel deployed on operations or without access to the Defence Intranet can submit a paper MOD Form 1132 . For further information , please see Joint Service Publication ( JSP ) 464 .
Your preferences
The e-1132 application system will display basic information about the properties available , including a floor plan and photographs ( if these are available ).
You can then review the properties and express a preference for up to three of them .
Once you have selected and submitted your preferences , you will receive confirmation of your selections both on screen and by email . Unfortunately , Amey cannot guarantee that you will be offered / allocated the property or properties that you selected .
Making you an offer
Amey will review the preferences you have selected and make you a formal offer within 15 working days . You can view your offer on the Defence Intranet system . Once you have received your offer , you have 10 working days to accept or reject it online using the Defence Intranet system .
Accepting your offer
If you accept your offer , you will be able to view a copy of your Licence to Occupy and agree it on screen straight away . You are then ready to book your move-in appointment , and your pre-move-out meeting and assessment , if you ’ re moving from another Service family home .
Rejecting your offer
If you ’ re not happy with the house offered to you , you can reject the offer and Amey will see if there are any other houses that match your criteria . If there ’ s another suitable house available , Amey will make you a second offer within 15 working days . If not , they may have to offer you the same house . Please be aware that you are not likely to be granted permission to retain your SFA at your old duty station .
Second Offer Reviews
You are encouraged to accept the second offer Amey make to you . However , if you have exceptional personal reasons for turning your second offer down , you can request a review of your case . To request a review of your case , you must complete the second offer review form which will accompany your formal second offer . You have four working days from the day you receive your second offer to make an application for a second offer review . You can view the status of your application at any time by logging into the secure Defence Intranet system .
New or changing requirements
Changing circumstances may include :
• being assigned and you have your assignment order / date
• getting married
• expecting another child
If you already live in UK SFA and have received your Assignment Order , you should complete MOD Form e1132 within 14 days of receiving it . Our Occupancy Services team will be automatically notified once the form has been submitted .
What happens if there aren ’ t any Service family homes available in the area you are moving to ?
If this happens , you will be issued with a Non-Availability Certificate ( NAC ). You ’ ll then need to email the DIO Accn Substitute Service Family Accommodation ( SSFA ) Helpdesk :
Email : DIORDAccn-SubAccn @ mod . gov . uk
24 SUMMER 2021 the imjin