'the imjin magazine' Summer 2021 | Page 18


The ARRC Social Club ( ASC ) is an inclusive club set up for all partners of everybody posted to - or attached to - NATO ’ s Allied Rapid Reaction Corps at Imjin Barracks ( Headquarters ARRC , 1st ( United Kingdom ) Signal Brigade , ARRC Support Battalion and GCHQ ).
What does the ASC do ? The ASC arranges events to bring together all nationalities and ranks represented at the ARRC at Imjin Barracks . These include monthly coffee mornings and lunches , hosted in turn by different nations , which give a real taste of each other ’ s customs , culture and cuisine . They are a wonderful opportunity to meet new people and learn more about the different nations that make up the Imjin Community . Throughout the year the ASC organises trips to places like the Houses of Parliament and Ascot Races , as well as various other events and activities , ranging from tennis coaching to family bingo . There are also a variety of formal and informal clubs associated with the ASC to join including Innsworth Military Wives choir , the ASC walking club , Book Club and Movie Nights . See the list below for more details .
How do I join ? It couldn ’ t be easier . E-mail the ASC Secretary theascsecretary @ gmail . com for regular updates about ASC events . Or join our Facebook group www . facebook . com / groups / ARRCSocialClub We look forward to seeing you ! ASC activities / regular events : Coffee mornings - hosted in turn by different nations - every month . Everyone is welcome , with or without children , and with visiting relatives . Held at the Community Centre . Yoga classes - Redwood Yoga ( Michelle ) and Heel and Balance Yoga ( Julia ) Tots Group - every Monday 9:30-11:00 Book Club - 1st Tuesday of the month at 8pm at the Community Centre Friendly Football Club - every Tuesday 10:00-11:00 Innsworth Military Wives Choir - every Wednesday 19:15 Fitness class with Sabrina - every Wednesday 11:30 and Friday 9:30 Pre-walkers and parents ’ group - every Friday 10:00-11:00
Group of ASC members
Cultural visit to Berkeley Castle
By Ugne Gaigale
On the 25th of May 2021 , the twenty-one ladies of the ARRC Social Club , from over five nations , went to visit the Berkeley Castle in the town of Berkeley , Gloucestershire . It was the first visit after the pandemic started .
They had an opportunity to enter the oldest building in the country to be inhabited by the same family who built it . The Berkeley family are the only English family still in existence in England that can trace its ancestors from father to son , back to Saxon times . The group enjoyed learning about the English history within the walls of the castle .
From the castle the ladies went down to the Great Lawn on which the two remaining Culloden Pines stand and admired the blossoming castle gardens .
At the end of the visit the ASC members had a light lunch at the Walled Garden Cafe , which used to be a productive area to provide fruit and vegetables for the castle .
Ladies in front of the fountain
ASC Chair Update
It is all change following a year of Covid . I am sure we all have our fingers crossed that this Summer we will at last get the chance to travel further afield . Good luck to all the families who are moving on to new pastures . Thank you for the coffee mornings and lunches , which gave us all a chance to share your culture and culinary delights . They are a wonderful way to get together , meet new people , find some friends and hear about what ’ s going on . We are so sorry that for the last year they have been in abeyance . Welcome to everyone arriving this Summer . We look forward to meeting you . The ASC is lucky enough to have a really vibrant team of volunteers . We cannot thank them enough for all the hard work that they put in behind the scenes whilst balancing their own busy lives . If you want to find out more contact our representatives : Kirsty , ASC Coffee and Lunches representative - theasccoffeesandluncheons @ gmail . com Kat , ASC Adult representative - ascadultsrep @ gmail . com Helen , ASC Children ’ s representative - aschildrensrep @ gmail . com
If you would like to get out and explore the beautiful countryside , Ann is our walking coordinator and leads a walk each month . Please look on the FB page to find out when the next walk will be or send an email to the Secretary . Over lockdown our Cultural Coordinators , Theonie and Alice kept us interested and alive to the possibilities all around us and we were so grateful to them . ascculturalcoordinators @ gmail . com Lucy Smyth-Osbourne ASC President
Caring for Communities and People ( CPP ) Hamper Scamper 2021
by Charlotte Svanberg Peterson
Christmas seems so very far away on a lovely sunny day in July . However , before we know it , it will be that time of year where I will kindly ask you to help light up someone else ’ s Christmas by supporting this year ’ s CCP Hamper Scamper .
Christmas is a very special time of year , but for some , this sadly is not the case . Those families living in poverty are all in need of our help to light up their Christmas .
CCP is a local Gloucestershire charity which aims to transform the lives of children , young people , families and vulnerable adults by preventing homelessness , strengthening families and promoting independence through a various range of support .
Every year , CCP ’ s Hamper Scamper Appeal spreads the spirit of Christmas by providing festive food parcels to people in need . As you can imagine , the demand increased significantly in 2020 , and will be no less important come Christmas 2021 . Last year CCP delivered a record breaking 1953 food hampers to grateful families and individuals . This relies on the generosity of the local community for basic food donations as well as festive items .
In autumn I will once again kindly ask our military community to support this local charity in helping them spread some hope and the spirit of Christmas , with the assistance of our fantastic Welfare Office . Our military community has been amazing in supporting local charities , even more so during the times of the pandemic , showing our presence to the local community and how much we all care .
Thank you so much for your previous and future support to families and people in need and have a wonderful Summer !!
18 SUMMER 2021 the imjin