The Hypothyroidism Revolution PDF / Program Diet System Cookbook Free Hypothyroidism Revolution Tom Brimeyer | Page 65
These saturated fats have enormous health benefits, including helping to cancel out the
negative effects of those nasty polyunsaturated fats.
They promote healthy thyroid function and increase your cells response to thyroid
And there’s no reason to be afraid of these fats just because they are saturated. Those
claims against saturated fats are completely lacking in research and provide no
substantial proof of any of the negative claims. However, there is plenty of research that
shows that these fats inhibit inflammation, promote weight loss, protect against cancer,
and naturally help to lower cholesterol.
Solution #7 – Stop Over-Exercising
Let’s get something straight right away. You don’t have to be overweight to be
hypothyroid. There are a lot of people who are hypothyroid and who are skinny. So,
keep that in mind that weight alone is not the only indicator of hypothyroidism.
You would probably be surprised to find out how many professional athletes are really
hypothyroid from all of the physical stress that they place on their bodies. But we often
look at these athletes as the perfect image of health. However, their hormones are
telling a very different story.
Over-exercising is a very common problem with
hypothyroidism because most people get into the
mindset that if they aren’t losing weight or if they have
low energy, that they just need to push themselves
harder. Maybe you’ve been there before?
If you did happen to lose weight, then your energy
levels most likely plummeted while your body began
to fall apart.
This is because too much exercise or the wrong kind
of exercise only makes you more hypothyroid.
For starters, intense exercise requires your body to
use up a lot of sugar very quickly. As I mentioned
before, if your liver can’t properly store sugar then
you won’t have any fuel in your tank. So, your body
will have no other choice but to increase stress
hormones to break down your muscle tissue to use as energy. In the end, you’re left
with less muscle and more fat, especially around your abdomen.