The Hypothyroidism Revolution PDF / Program Diet System Cookbook Free Hypothyroidism Revolution Tom Brimeyer | Page 57

What You Can Do To Balance Your Estrogen Levels For starters, one of the best ways is to avoid them. While you can’t avoid the estrogen that your body naturally produces, you can do your part to avoid the ones that you’re absorbing through outside sources.  Choose a safer (for your health), form of birth control. But be careful and educate yourself because even non-hormonal birth control methods can still affect your hormones. An Intrauterine Device (IUD), for example, has been shown to decrease progesterone production which effectively leads to excessive estrogen.  Remove estrogen promoting foods from your diet. Most notably soy and soy products.  Remove or limit estrogenic environmental chemicals such as herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides by eating organic foods.  Remove or limit your exposure to XenoEstrogens in plastic by using non-toxic alternatives, such as glass, whenever possible. And avoid heating anything in plastic that will come into contact with your body, especially food. Of course, limiting outside sources of estrogen is great, but what about the excessive estrogen that’s already in your body? This is a very in depth topic that entire books could easily be written about. So, while I can’t get into every aspect of properly decreasing and detoxifying estrogen from your body, I can give you a neat trick. While some foods promote estrogen, there are some foods that actually help reduce estrogen in your body. One such food is carrots. Carrots, when eaten raw, will act like charcoal within the intestines and absorb estrogen within your digestive tract. This prevents your body from re- absorbing it. Here’s a great recipe that you can make daily to help lower your estrogen and stress hormones while increasing your thyroid and progesterone to improve overall hormone balance. 10