Take Action and Start Testing Yourself
By using the exact steps that I ’ ve laid out for you in this report along with the Thyroid Testing Record Sheet provided below , you no longer have to settle for inaccurate medical tests that don ’ t answer the most important question that you need to know in determining the health of your thyroid .
With the right plan of action that addresses all of the underlying causes of hypothyroidism to remove the kinks that are suppressing your thyroid , you can effectively use this testing method that I ’ ve laid out for you to watch as your thyroid heals .
As your thyroid heals over time , you ’ ll notice fewer and less severe temperature fluctuations through your day , along with fewer and less severe energy and mood swings .
Over time , you ’ ll see your temperatures throughout the day begin to stabilize and rise along with a rise in your level of energy and sense of wellbeing .
Over time , your morning basal temperature will begin to regulate and you ’ ll wake up feeling happier and more refreshed from much improved sleep .
Over time , your post-breakfast temperature will begin to rise quickly to normal and you ’ ll feel a significant sense of energy and readiness to start your day .
Over time , all of the important systems within your body will be properly energized again and regulate properly as your symptoms begin to disappear and you return to your happier and healthier former self .
I ’ ve watched clients experience what they believe to be miracles , and the longer they allow their thyroid to heal , the bigger the miracles they experience .
It ’ s like trying to repair a broken road . You need a well laid out plan and you have to put in the work to fix it right so that you can rely on it for your entire lifetime . But this isn ’ t always the easy route and can take a little time to do it right . You have to remove the broken pieces . You have to backfill the voids . You have to properly compact and level the ground . You have to repave the road in order to reconnect both ends . And you have to do it all in the right order . When you do this , the road will start working perfectly again , just like it use to .