The Hypothyroidism Revolution PDF / Program Diet System Cookbook Free Hypothyroidism Revolution Tom Brimeyer | Page 42
Don’t Underestimate the Importance of Your Pulse
When you have very little fuel in your gas tank you can’t get very far before you run out
of gas or have to find a way to put more fuel in your tank to keep your car running.
The same occurs when you’re hypothyroid. When your cells don’t get enough thyroid
hormone they stop functioning properly and their energy production declines along with
your temperature.
If your cells ran out of fuel entirely, then life as you know it would cease to exist. As a
means of survival, your body is designed to sacrifice long term health for the short term
gain of survival.
Because of these inherent survival mechanisms, primarily through the generation of
certain stress hormones, oftentimes hypothyroidism sufferers will exhibit artificially
elevated temperatures. While some may misinterpret this as healthy thyroid function,
this is equivalent to putting low grade gasoline into a car that requires premium grade
gas. Sure, your car will continue to run, but your engine will lose power, your gas
mileage will suffer, and eventually your engine fail and you’re car will die.
The same goes for your thyroid. If you’re relying on stress hormones to keep your
temperature artificially elevated, then your cells won’t be able to produce energy
effectively, your thyroid will down-regulate further lowering energy production, and
eventually your cells will begin to fail leaving you in a heap of trouble.
This happened to one of my clients after thinking for years that her thyroid was healthy,
when in reality it wasn’t. Her temps were consistently in the normal range but her pulse
was consistently around 55 beats per minute, which
was not a good sign. She still suffered from a
number of hypothyroidism symptoms and while she
felt as if she had plenty of energy, she could never
sit still or else she would crash.
When she started working with me, we immediately
addressed her stress hormone issues and in the
process her temperature dropped almost immediately to around 97°F (36.1°C), which
was her true temperature. Then by properly regulating her thyroid so that her cells were
getting and utilizing thyroid hormone instead of her running on stress hormones, her
temperature normalized, her pulse began to increase steadily, her symptoms
disappeared, and she finally experienced the healthy type of sustainable energy.
Let this be a lesson to you. Never disregard your pulse as an indicator of
hypothyroidism because it plays just as big of a factor as your temperature.