The Hypothyroidism Revolution PDF / Program Diet System Cookbook Free Hypothyroidism Revolution Tom Brimeyer | Page 39

How to Test and Interpret Your Results… Now that you understand the importance and accuracy of monitoring your temperature and pulse as a test for thyroid function, I want to break everything down into a few simple steps that you can follow and explain exactly how to interpret your results. On the last page of this report, I’ve provided a Thyroid Testing Record Sheet that I use with my own clients. You should print this record sheet and use it to start recording your own temperature and pulse to test your own thyroid function. Once you have your record sheet printed, follow the instructions below: Preparation: 1. Place a thermometer and watch within arm’s reach by your bedside before you go to sleep. If using a mercury thermometer, be sure to shake it down. 2. Go to sleep and avoid eating anything in the middle of the night as digestion can affect basal metabolism. Monitoring Your Temperature and Pulse 1. Upon awakening in the morning, being as still has possible, re