The Hypothyroidism Revolution PDF / Program Diet System Cookbook Free Hypothyroidism Revolution Tom Brimeyer | Page 38
Special Considerations for Women of Reproductive Age
As with everything, there are still going to be special considerations that need be
accounted for, especially for women of reproductive age.
If you are a woman who is still menstruating monthly, then your temperature will
fluctuate with your menstrual cycle. For example, women have been monitoring their
temperatures for centuries to determine the precise time of ovulation.
A woman’s temperature will be
lowest at ovulation and then rise
during the second half of her
cycle before normalizing during
menstruation. Then, after
menstruation, during the first half
of her cycle, her temperature will
tend to be lower, again dropping
at ovulation.
Because of this, you have to
factor out these influences that your cycle has on your temperature in order to get the
most accurate results. If you monitor your temperature during the second half of your
cycle, it may by artificially elevated and appear normal leading to false results.
Because of this, it’s best to measure your morning temperature on days two through
four of menstruation for most accurate results.
Extraneous Influences on Temperature
It’s also important to note additional factors that can influence your core temperature,
especially in the morning.
Influence of Infection
Oral temperature can be used but it’s well known that even the common sinus infection
can raise oral temperature leading to false results. If there’s any possibility of infection,
then it’s best to use underarm temperature instead.
Extraneous Influences
There are many other extraneous influences that should be considered as well. For
example, sleeping under an electric blanket will artificially increase your body
temperature. Artificially raising your body temperature through exercise or even a hot
bath can also influence results.