The Hunter Newsletter Volume 2024 May | Page 5

Annual Meeting recap |


The 2.2 million acres of land that NANA manages are the basis of our cultural and corporate wealth . Our connection to them is what makes us who we are as Iñupiat .


In 2023 , 1,624 shareholders were employed by NANA , NANA subsidiaries or our partners and affiliates , and shareholder wages increased by $ 8.8 million .
doing this is by providing internships . In 2023 , 21 shareholders were paid interns at the NANA family of companies . We want more shareholders who qualify for our program to apply for the 49 shareholder internships we have available this summer .
and help them develop career awareness . They also help shareholders secure summer jobs , which can provide them with extra income . There are a variety of opportunities available throughout our entire family of companies , both in Alaska and at our federal sector , Akima .
We have already talked about our work to ensure we find new opportunities at Red Dog Mine . That is so important to how we move forward in 2024 at NANA .
In addition to managing our lands to create value for all shareholders , we also look to create value for individual shareholders .
To prepare our shareholders for work at our companies , we are investing more in training and development . One way we are
We offer internships to high school and college-going shareholders . These internships provide valuable experience
Another way we are reaching out to shareholders who want to work at NANA companies is through NANA Tumi . Tumi means tracks . In business , there are career tracks you can take that will take you from the starting point to becoming an expert in certain fields . Tumi offers trade career training program tracks to shareholders and provides them with the schooling , housing and transportation needed for job placement with NANA companies . This year , we had 14 shareholders participate in NANA Tumi ’ s culinary arts program sponsored by NMS at ATC in Kotzebue and a welding training for 10 shareholders sponsored by NANA Construction at Northern Industrial Training in Palmer .


Last year , we founded a new public benefit corporation called Atautchikun LLC . Atautchikun is an Iñupiat word that means “ together ,” and represents the Iñupiat Iḷitqusiat value of cooperation .
As a public benefit corporation owned by NANA , Atautchikun serves as NANA ’ s grantmaking arm and enables us to work more closely with funding agencies , federal , state and regional partners , and local leadership to advance our shareholders ’ economic , social , and cultural interests . This new subsidiary is overseen by our board , John Lincoln as CEO , and Albie Dallemolle , NANA ’ s Vice President of Economic Development and Sustainability ( EDS ).


Whether shareholders want to pursue a traditional four-year college career or other educational opportunities – the Aqqaluk Trust offers scholarships to shareholders to help them pursue their educational goals . We continue to support the Aqqaluk Trust for regional education , both through direct support and in-kind . In 2023 , NANA donated $ 1.1 million to cover the operational costs , scholarships and cultural programs of the Aqqaluk Trust . As a result , 309 students received almost a half-million dollars in Trust scholarships . We are also developing a talent bank that will assist shareholders in connecting with training and employment opportunities .
Atautchikun will build on an impressive streak of wins by the EDS department in recent years , including the $ 68 million grant for fiber optic internet in our region and a $ 54 million grant that we partnered with the borough and others on for regional renewable energy systems .


NANA is making great progress toward meeting board goals and the needs of our shareholders . There ’ s still so much to do , but we have forward momentum on our side . We have a strategic approach to achieve the board ’ s goals . Many significant achievements and advancements marked our journey through the fiscal year 2023 . As we move forward , we do so as we have always done , but we need you . I encourage every shareholder to get involved in your corporation .
NANA is all of us .
I ’ m excited about our collective future . Iñupiat ingenuity , innovation and cooperation have taken us through thousands of years and they , along with our Iñupiat Iḷitqusiat , will continue to help us as we move toward tomorrow together .
• Apply for a job , internship or scholarship .
• Listen to board meetings .
• Read The Hunter .
The Hunter | 2024 May