The Hunter 2016 November/December


Pages 4-5


Spotlight - NMS ................................. 2 Elders ' Advice - Sharing ....................................... 2 Let ' s Speak Iñupiatun !......................................... 2 2016 Elders & Youth Conference .......................... 3 NANA Sponsored AFN Resolutions ...................... 3 Harnessing Solar Power in the Arctic ................... 6 WHPacific Stays Ahead of Technology ................. 6 Calendar .............................................................. 8
2016 November / December Volume 50 Published by NANA Regional Corporation , Inc .

Message from the President

From all of us at NANA , we wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !
As we move into 2017 , it is important to reflect on the past year . 2016 was a major milestone for the Alaska Federation of Natives ( AFN ) as the organization celebrated its 50th anniversary . During this year ’ s conference in Fairbanks , keynote speaker Emil Notti spoke about the formation of AFN and the young Alaska Native leaders that selflessly volunteered so much of their time and money for the
Wayne Westlake , NANA President / CEO , with Selawik Youth Leaders Shaylynn Hingsbergen and Keana Howarth .
betterment of their people . Many of the people that Emil referenced are from our region , and it was inspiring to hear about the great things that have stemmed from our Northwest Arctic home .
It is also the 50th anniversary of the formation of NANA ’ s non-profit predecessor , Northwest Alaska Native Association . In 1966 , a handful of people gathered together to talk about Land Claims in Mary Schaeffer ’ s kitchen in Kotzebue , and what came next is history . In 1972 ,
after the passing of Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act ( ANCSA ), the Northwest Alaska Native Association was changed into the for-profit Alaska Native Corporation we now call NANA Regional Corporation , Inc . ( NANA ). In 1974 , NANA formed a holding company , NANA Development Corporation ( NDC ), a wholly owned subsidiary .
In early November of this year , The NANA Board of Directors saw the need for a more connected organization , and the board voted to align NANA Development Corporation ' s President position under NANA Regional Corporation ' s President and CEO position . The board ’ s decision was made to create unity , alignment of mission and strategy , and increase accountability of performance . As a result we will communicate better , be more efficient , and improve our performance .
NANA ' s mission is to improve the quality of life for NANA shareholders by maximizing economic growth , protecting and enhancing our lands , and promoting healthy communities with decisions ,
actions , and behaviors inspired by our Iñupiat Ilitqusiat values consistent with our core principles . The recent board action to consolidate the leadership of the companies will re-align us with this responsibility and guide our decisions moving forward .
I encourage all shareholders to read the 2016 Annual Report that will delivered in early February . We are stronger as a company when shareholders are informed and engaged , and know where the Corporation stands financially . Additionally , to ensure that you are aware of developments in a more timely fashion , details on the first quarter of FY2017 will be distributed in the near future .
As we reflect on the past year , I look forward to connecting with shareholders at the annual meeting to discuss our path forward – the NANA path .
Thank you ,
— Wayne Westlake

History of the Region

The Spirit Movement

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NANA incorporates traditional values into all of our corporate actions . This philosophy is called the Iñupiat Ilitqusiat . Iñupiat means “ the real people ” and Ilitqusiat means “ that which makes us who we are .” These values developed over thousands of years , and were articulated by Elders as part of the Spirit Movement of the late 1970s and early 80s .

In 1976 , NANA hosted and recorded an Iñupiat Elders Workshop to document the Elders knowledge . Elders from all 11 communities came together over a period of two weeks to preserve their stories , dances , language , customs , survival skills and traditions . These sessions and lessons led to the formation of the written Iñupiaq Ilitqusiat .
PO Box 49 Kotzebue , Alaska 99752
The “ Spirit Committee ” was created and initially led by Aqqaluk Robert Newlin , Ikaaq Roland Booth , and Iġġiaġruk Willie Hensley with the support and guidance of then NANA president and CEO , Qipqiña John Schaeffer in 1980 . The committee ' s purpose was to reinforce Iñupiaq values in everything that NANA did . In the 1981 Annual report , NANA Shareholder of the Year , Iġġiaġruk writes , “ The Iñupiat Ilitqusiat program has to be the very center of our peoples ’ lives and our institutions , for without it , the Iñupiat people will not survive .” ■
( Top ) 1980 Spirit Committee , ( L to R )
Willie Hensley , Robert Newlin and Roland
Booth .
( Right ) Jessie Ralph of Buckland sings a traditional Iñupiaq song during the 1976 recordings of the Iñupiat Elders Workshop . View the video online .
YouTube video “ Eskimo Heritage ( Iñupiat Paitot ) Elders Workshop ”.