The Hultian SUMMER 2018 edition | Seite 14

connected with people in your organization both on the student side, and the mentor-judge side as well.” Lurvey has been left speechless and awed by Professor Grandinetti.

It was not only Lurvey who appreciates Mike Grandinetti’s first-class attitude and the energy he carries. His former students know that working with him was as much enlightening as it was fun, and they are all looking forward to the opportunity of working with him again in the future.

“Dream Team” Grandinetti calls them, “While there were many others involved along the way, you were the nucleus, always available and ready to do whatever it took to make this Hackathon the success that it

was.” He muses. “I consider myself fortunate to have you as my students and mentees and friends. I could not have done any of this without each one of you there in support.” Gratitude from Mike Grandinetti goes a long way.

Whether seeing the participants having fun, giving elaborate speeches to a huge crowd, or even just getting together with his former students, Mike Grandinetti himself has learned hope from the Hackathon: the global generation, in its youthful endeavors, will not fail him.

All you need to know about the hackathon – more details, pictures, videos, and results can be found at:

His students are ever so thankful for the privilege of working with him. Allison Ziehr, a dual degree student in MIB and MIM, and part of the dedicated team of organizers, admits that organizing the hackathon was “a great learning experience for all of us.” Should Professor Grandinetti have another one the following year, she would not hesitate to sign up all over again.

Dylan Andrew Lurvey, a representative of Green Hope, is very impressed. He wrote to Professor Grandinetti: “Looks like you’re so well-liked on LinkedIn that my only option is to follow!” He tells Mike Grandinetti through text, “Ami [also a representative] and I had

an absolutely fantastic time, and we really felt as though we