Make sure your plan includes : u Contact information for everyone in the household , including work and school phone numbers u A list of important phone numbers , including doctors , emergency services , insurance companies , and utilities u The name and phone number of an out-of-town contact person u Safe exit routes from your home u A designated meeting spot outside your home and one outside your neighbourhood u Evacuation routes from your neighbourhood u Find out school or daycare policies for releasing your children to a designated person if you can ’ t pick them up . Your plan should also include pets and any special health or accessibility needs in your family .
Make a Plan
All emergency advisers suggest this step . Your family may not be together when an emergency occurs and having a plan will help you all know what to do .
Click here to make your plan online .
Make sure your plan includes : u Contact information for everyone in the household , including work and school phone numbers u A list of important phone numbers , including doctors , emergency services , insurance companies , and utilities u The name and phone number of an out-of-town contact person u Safe exit routes from your home u A designated meeting spot outside your home and one outside your neighbourhood u Evacuation routes from your neighbourhood u Find out school or daycare policies for releasing your children to a designated person if you can ’ t pick them up . Your plan should also include pets and any special health or accessibility needs in your family .
Keep an emergency kit
In an emergency , you will need some basic supplies . You may need to get by without power or tap water . Be prepared to be self-sufficient for at least 72 hours . Make sure they are organized and easy to find . Would you be able to find your flashlight in the dark ?
Make sure your kit is easy to carry and everyone in the household knows where it is . Keep it in a backpack , duffle bag or suitcase with wheels , in an easy-to-reach , accessible place . Your kit does not have to be built overnight . Spread your shopping over a few weeks . Purchase a few items every time you go to the store .
Some kit suggestions :
Water – at least two litres of water per person per day ; include small bottles that can be carried easily in case of an evacuation order Food ( non-perishable and easy-to-prepare items , enough for 3 days ) and a manual can opener First aid kit Extra keys to your car and house Some cash in smaller bills , such as $ 10 bills and loonies for payphones A copy of your emergency plan and contact information Medication ( s ) Flashlight
Radio ( crank or battery-run ) Extra batteries Candles and matches / lighter Hand sanitizer or moist towelettes Important papers ( identification , contact lists , copies of prescriptions , etc .) Whistle ( to attract attention , if needed ) Zip-lock bag ( to keep things dry ) * Items for babies and small children — diapers , formula , bottles , baby food , comfort items * Pet food and supplies * Any other items specific to your family ’ s needs