The Hub March 2016 | Page 7

Michael Haggert It may have seemed like spring was here on the 28th of February, but don’t go planning to open the pool just yet. While the weather from the last two years seems like only a vague and unpleasant memory, Old Man Winter usually keeps some of his best for last, and almost always hits us as hard as he can in March. There are a few things you can do now, with the last of the winter snows falling outside, to have a profound impact on your eating habits through the year. Plan a Garden If you grow a few of your own vegetables, you will eat more vegetables. It doesn’t have to be big, and if you aren’t already a gardener it’s better to start small. Something the size of your couch can be all you need. Don’t have a yard? A handful of pots on the balcony can keep a steady stream of fresh produce coming to the table for months. Don’t have any access to outside space? There’s room for you at a community garden in your neighbourhood. Sign up for a CSA If you don’t want to get your hands in dirt, but want some of the freshest local fruit and veg, a CSA might be for you. Community-supported agriculture is like hiring someone to grow vegetables just for you. There are a few local options to choose from. I readily recommend three: Locally Germinated, Our Farm Organics and Lee & Maria’s Delivery (not really a CSA but it works the same way and they deliver) Protest patio fees Helpful links Locally Germinated Our Farm Organics Lee & Maria’s Windsor Essex Community Garden Collective City of Windsor Write or call your Windsor City Councillor. Let them know the increased fees for outdoor cafes and patios are counter-productive to their own goals. Windsor has chosen to market itself as a tourist destination. We have heavily invested specifically in sports tourism. We want our guests to feel they have come to a vibrant community, not just an arena or pool. Our climate is well-suited to dining al fresco, and the social atmosphere that comes with getting out from behind the walls brings an energy to the experience that will leave visitors with a lasting memory. Increasing fees makes it harder for our local cafe and restaurant owners. The entrepreneurs and service delivery workers - and they are a small army in numbers need to feel like valued partners in the tourism business. They probably have more interaction with our guests and therefore a greater impact on the impression one gets of the city. Windsor needs to see how making it easier for them to operate is just as much of an investment as is building world-class facilities. And of course, a vibrant restaurant scene is important for residents too. That’s how a snowy day in March can have a lasting impact on the quality of your life for months to come. The quality of your life is dependent on the quality of your eating. The food matters. Tell us on Facebook about your adventures with food this month, or tweet us @thehubWE #foodmatters March 2016 - The HUB 7