JULY 2017
What’s in season
Here’s what you can expect to see in produce
Food Deserts
Food deserts are geographic areas where
stalls at the Downtown Windsor Farmers’ access to affordable, healthy food options are
Market this month. Of course, there are no limited. In many neighbourhoods - most often
guarantees - every farmer knows that! It all
depends on the grower and the weather!
lower socio-economic areas - residents may not
have access to vehicles to get to healthier food
options. Living more than a kilometre away
from healthy food options is living in a food
Beans Peaches Beets Plums Broccoli Lettuce Blueberries Potatoes Cabbage Peas Carrots Peppers (sweet) Celery Radishes From the market, it's almost one kilometre to a
Cherries Raspberries Food Basics, and almost two kilometres to
Corn Tomatoes Cucumber Spinach Onions Strawberries
How Can Markets Help?
Bringing markets, like the DWFM, into the
downtown core - much of it a lower
socio-economic area - gives residents easy
access to healthy foods - produce, meats, etc.
Multifoods. In addition to being closer to where
many people live, the market offers a wide
variety of low-cost produce, meats and bakery