The Hub August 2016 | Page 5

Eva Antonel has been a resident of Essex County for the past 44 years . She has gone to school , married , raised a family , met lifelong friends and made a living by working with books and magazines in this , her chosen city . When she is not working with words , she is either reading or writing them for pleasure .
Angelica is a marketing writer by day and stage manager by night . She loves giraffes , chips and dip , and correcting the grammar of strangers . Angelica is addicted to all things social media and plasters her Twitter feed with photos of her dogs Frankie Braxton , and Samwise the cat .
Rabiul Biplob is a journalism graduate from St . Clair College and The Hub ’ s calendar guy ! He loves travelling and would like to travel around the world . He ’ s happy to be working and growing with a great team .

Rolling out an issue of The Hub takes an entire team - writers , photographers , editors and artists .

Here ’ s the team that came together for the August 2016 issue - we ' re glad we got to connect with them and hope their stories and photos connect with you .

Shelley Divnich Haggert reads , writes and teaches in Windsor , and has been part of the local & national magazine industry for 16 years . She has three daughters and lives with her husband , and Thor , a dog who ’ s afraid of thunder .
Brett Henderson is a journalism student at St . Clair College , and a budding foodie . He ’ s just started his first food blog and joined our team as our Food Matters columnist !
Christian Bouchard is dubbed a farm boy and passionate individual at heart . He takes great pride in his lifelong nickname , “ Bird ,” and hopes to make a career out of sports . He has not missed an Ohio State Buckeyes game in over nine years .