The Howler Issue 3 | Page 54

Digital Communication and Publication: Digital Communication and Publication is being introduced to Walden Grove students for the first time. This class will focus on using writing as an informative, and entertaining tool in the creation of the schools Howler Magazine. Part of the curriculum includes reporting on fun events, conducting interviews, or even creating entertaining segments to be featured in the monthly school magazine. Digital Communications also count as a CTE credit, which means the class will help develop skills needed for anyone interested in a career in Journalism. This class is a perfect fit for anyone interested in a behinds the scenes look to publication and journalism. -Taught by Ms. Youngblood. -What you will be doing is this The Howler magazine every month and learn the CTE skills needed for a career in journalism. -Sophomores and up can join the class. -Good news there aren’t any prerequisites to get in.