Leap of Faith... cont. from 27
appreciate the new experience of home
local chapter formed a board, elected
officers and appointed committees.
Each adult member of the Partner
Major fund-raisers (auctions) have
Family is committed to giving 125
been held annually since 1996. The
hours of sweat equity. If the Partner
first home for LaGrange County HabiFamily finds it difficult to meet the
tat for Humanity was built during the
commitment, the board may agree to
fall of 1997, on CR 1200 West in rural
have certain other family members or
Shipshewana. Since that time, LCHFH friends work on behalf of the family.
has built homes with 22 partner
The requirements for the partner
families. Also, they have completed five family are as follows:
home repair projects with their A Brush
• 25 hours of sweat equity per adult
With Kindness program.
partner prior to construction beA Brush with Kindness (ABWK)
ginning on the partner’s home.
• 100 additional hours of sweat
is available to LaGrange County
equity per adult partner prior to
homeowners whose income falls at or
moving into the home.
below the 60% of the median income,
• 100 hours of sweat equity from
adjusted for family size. It is LCHFH’s
friends or relatives of partner
hope to repair five homes in the years
2013, 2014, and 2015. According ArIn December, 2012, the LCHFH
nold, “Qualifying families will sign an
Board of Directors adopted this Misunsecured loan, and repay the lo [?]? H[?\?\??\?HY?H?H?[??]8?&\??[??][Y[???ZY??????]?][HX\??Z]??\?\???'HH??[?H^?][?[?]X]]?H
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