The Hometown Treasure May 2012 | Page 7

Principal Retiring... cont. from 4 Westview Superintendent Dr. Randy Zimmerly for stressing the importance of building relationships with students, parents and teachers. “We have a very cohesive relationship between the administration and staff,” said Johnston. He went on to say, “We have an ‘awesome’ administration and staff that seem to all be on the same page with great communication and we are all willing to help each other out.” As far as retirement is concerned Johnston said, “My wife, Janet, and I have been married for nearly thirty-six years. She plans to retire in December and our goal is to do some traveling. We are hopeful to be able to get more involved in my grandchildren’s lives either by assisting with the older ones’ activities at East Noble or by helping babysit the youngest ones on an asneeded basis, since our fourth grandchild is due in late May.” Mr. Johnston also plans on staying busy in the community. He is actively involved in his church as a Eucharistic Minister, Lector and he is a member of the Knights of Columbus. Johnston also serves as president of the board for the LaGrange County Community Foundation and he serves as chairperson for the family selection committee of the Habitat for Humanity. “I’m not counting the days to the end of the school year,” said Johnston. “I still have a job to do and my job isn’t done until I walk out the door. I came in strong and I’m going out strong. I ask God each morning to help me say the right things, treat people right and give me the strength to persevere in any difficult issue that may come my way. That has definitely made my days better! I will miss Westview. It’s been an ‘awesome’ and positive experience. “I cannot thank Westview for all of the opportunities they have afforded me over the past twelve years. The School Board, administration, staff, parents are superb! But what I cherish most and will miss the most will be the students.” Vincent J. Coda, DPM Board-certified Podiatrist Specializing in the latest podiatric corrective procedures and treatments at very competitive pricing including: corrective bone surgery, bunion removal and custom-made prescription orthotics. Serving northeast Indiana in four convenient locations: Kendallville, IN Shipshewana, IN 410 E. Mitchell Street LaGrange, IN Parkview FirstCare Building 8175 W US 20 Parkview LaGrange Hospital 207 N. Townline Road Angola, IN 3250 Intertech Drive Schedule an appointment today: 260-347-2833 oR (800) 782-FooT (3668). The Hometown Treasure ··May ‘12 ··pg 5 The Hometown Treasure May ‘12 pg 5