Principal Retiring... cont. from 1
get into school administration,” said
After attaining his Master in Education degree at Xavier University in
Cincinnati, Mr. Johnston was offered
his first school administration position
as assistant principal, at Bishop Luers
High School in Fort Wayne. He spent
two years as assistant principal before
he became Bishop Dwenger’s principal.
In 1992, after spending four years
at Bishop Dwenger, Mr. Johnston’s
next stop was as Lakeland Middle
School’s assistant principal and athletic director. He spent ten years at
Lakeland as a member of the administrative staff, working both at Lakeland
Middle School and at Lakeland High
School. Johnston exclaimed, “I had a
very positive relationship with Lakeland principal Rick Gregg. He let me do
my job.”
Westview School Corporation
hired Mr. Johnston to be their first
ever Junior High School principal in
2000. When asked about some of his
memories at Westview, Johnston was
quick to say, “The death of Ryan Gilson
left a lasting impact personally and
for Westview as a whole. I remember
that day like it was yesterday.” As a
result of that tragedy, a crisis team was
organized at the school and a defibrillator was purchased. (Gilson’s death
occurred in gym class as a result of a
heart defect). Johnston’s other memories are happier memories of attending sporting and musical events at
the school. “The most joy comes from
watching the students succeed, when
the ‘light bulb comes on,’ and you know
that they got it,” exclaimed Johnston.
Johnston went on to say, “Nobody
cares more about their students than
Westview. They are second to none.” He
continued by saying, “The kids at Westview get individual attention that they
wouldn’t get at most other schools. We
also get a lot of support from parents
which you don’t see as much of at other
Mr. Johnston complimented
continued on next page
pg 4 · The Hometown Treasure · May ‘12
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