The Hometown Treasure May 2012 | Page 33

Our Grand Marshals by Jerry Hostetler Kevin and Carrie Lambright will lead the parade of their married life has been their family and their church. They have two this year as the SRMA’s (Shipshewana Retail Merchants children, Collette and Kurt. Collette Association) picks for the 2012 Grand Marshals. is a Registered Nurse at IU Health in Kevin is co-owner of Shipshewana Auction and has been involved with the West Lafayette. Kurt is finishing his SRMA for many years in many capacities, including serving as president. He also freshman year at Purdue, where he is serves on the Board of Directors of Farmers State Bank, Parkview LaGrange Hos- studying agricultural economics. pital and the LaGrange At Shore Mennonite Church Kevin Photo Submitted County Red Cross. serves as an Elder and Sunday School Carrie has volunteered teacher and Carrie plays piano and a great deal in the com- serves on many committees. Kevin munity as well. She has and Carrie are also actively involved been a volunteer at The in Christmas International House, an Elijah Haven Crisis In- organization bringing foreign college tervention Center and students into community homes duris currently volunteer- ing their Christmas break. ing for the LaGrange Kevin summed it up, “Carrie and I County Cancer Society. have been married 32 years and have The Lambrights thoroughly enjoyed being a part of the have been married Shipshewana community and we plan for 32 years and the on being a part of it for a long time to most important focus come.” Open Spring House Serving Lunch 11 am - 4:30 pm May 4 & 5 from 8 am - 4:30 pm Furniture Discounts at 15%! In store Specials, come & see! Lambright Woodworking 7785 W 300 S, Topeka • 260-593-2997 The Hometown Treasure · ·May ‘12 · ·pg 31 The Hometown Treasure May ‘12 pg 31