The Colors of
It’s spring in Shipshewana,
and it is being celebrating with
Mayfest! The Shipshewana Retail
Merchants Association invites everyone to come join in the fun!
Friday, May 4th begins with
entertainment and food at the huge
tent on Morton Street. Entertainment starts with a magic show and
winds-down with music by local
artists. All the while local food
vendors will fill the air with appetizing aromas. Friday evening also
features Donkey Basketball.
Saturday begins with the road
and trail run, 3 on 3 basketball, a
pancake breakfast, and then — the
parade! The parade grows every
year, bands, floats, and lots of beautiful horses!
After the parade, enjoy face
painting, buggy races, family
games, radio control races, a garden tractor pull, and an amateur
auctioneer contest. The big tent on
Morton Street will feature puppets,
art awards, a cheer team, Tae Kwan
Do, and cloggers. Saturday ends up
with music by Conley & Schmidt,
and local favorite John Schmidt.
Celebrate spring with a funpacked weekend in Shipshewana!
Visit for all the
information on Mayfest, places to
stay, shop and dine.
2011 Mayfest photo by Melody DuVal
This sixteen page special Mayfest Section is appearing in both the May issue of The Hometown Treasure, as well as a
special stand-alone program. The Hometown Treasure is a monthly magazine serving the towns of Topeka and Shipshewana and the entire Westview School Corporation. We invite you to use this as a guide for all the activities throughout
the town of Shipshewana during this annual festival.
If you picked this up as a stand-alone program for the festival, we ask you to bear with us when you look at the
page numbers. You will notice that it is numbered from page 29 through 44. Printing an additional 5,000 copies of our
Mayfest section seemed to be a perfect way to provide better service to visitors to the community during Mayfest. If
you are interested in seeing what is in the rest of The Hometown Treasure, we invite you to check around town for this
complimentary paper!
If you don’t see any, feel free to ask any local merchant where you might be able to pick one up! Enjoy Mayfest!
pg 30 The Hometown Treasure May ‘12
pg 30 ··The Hometown Treasure ··May ‘12
— Dan Byler, owner of Aurora Services, Inc.
publisher of The Hometown Treasure