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Lieutenant Governor Visits Shipshewana
by Jerry Hostetler
The Lt. Governor of Indiana, Becky Daniels’ administration. After a short
Skillman, visited northeastern Indiana walk on the trail, Ms. Skillman said, “I
on Thursday, April 12. One of her stops will spread the word about the Pumpwas Shipshewana. After enjoying lunch kinvine Trail on my stops around the
state.” She was then whisked away
with former state senator Bob Meeks,
by an Indiana State Police officer to
Skillman visited the Pumpkinvine
Trail, “The trail is very impressive and
Wolfe Field, in Shipshewana, where she
beautiful,” said Skillman. She further
boarded a helicopter for her return trip
commented that nature projects are
to Indianapolis.
very important to Governor Mitch
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8015 W US 20 • Shipshewana, IN
NW Corner of SR 5 & US 20
Back row (left to right): Chet Peachy, Friends of the Pumpkinvine; Jerry Ankney and Lynn Bontrager,
Town Council; and Ruth Ann Downey, Town Clerk. Front row: State Senator Sue Glick; John Yoder,
Pumpkinvine Nature Trail Board; Lt. Governor Becky Skillman; George Bachman, County Commissioner;
Roger Yoder, Town Council; and Jerry Rice, Town Council.
Hometown Treasure photo
Preschool Enrollment
Shipshewana Cooperative Preschool
Preschool enrollment has opened for
the 2012 - 2013 school year at
Shipshewana Cooperative Preschool.
We have been located at the Shipshewana
United Methodist Church on the corner of
Talmadge/Middlebury Street since 1985.
Enrollment forms
are available by calling
Mechele Schlabach,
at 260-768-7778
pg 24 · The Hometown Treasure · May ‘12
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