Westview Elementary
Treasure Island
On Tuesday, March 27, the fifth
grade class at Westview Elementary
School, presented, “Treasure Island.”
The play was directed by Elizabeth
Rogers and performed by 225 students, who practiced for two months in
preparation for the show.
Bongo Boys
The Bongo Boys, a drumming
group from Indianapolis, visited
Westview Elementary School in April.
The students participated in a handson drum circle with the Bongo Boys
and learned how to create their own
rhythms and work together to connect
their sounds. The program was made
possible by the Dekko Foundation.
The students in order for their performance.
Photo Submitted by Westview Elementary
Students got a chance to enjoy playing a bongo.
Photo Submitted by Westview Elementary
Riley Can Drive
The students of Westview Elementary were busy last month as they collected over 155,000 aluminum cans. A
local facility recycled the cans, and the
proceeds were donated to Riley Hospital for Children. Last year, Westview
Elementary donated $3,950.80 to Kids
Caring and Sharing.
Kids Caring and Sharing for Riley
Hospital is a fundraising effort that
encourages students to give to other
children without expecting anything
in return. The Riley Children’s Foundation believes, “that children who give
to others at an early age will continue
to be philanthropists throughout their
Mrs. Thompson’s fifth grade class
at Westview Elemetary, pictured to
the right, collected the most cans for
the Riley Hospital Fund Raising Event
this year by bringing in 18,957 cans;
an average of 789.9 cans per student.
Their efforts were rewarded with a
pizza party provided by the Westview
Elementary P.T.O. Last month a total
of 155,078 cans were donated to the
The Hometown Treasure · May ‘12 · pg 23