CrossRoads RV Breaks Ground On New Facility
CrossRoads RV broke ground on
Thursday, April 19 on their new 93,000
square foot manufacturing facility in
Topeka. They are one of the nation’s
fastest growing recreational vehicle
manufactures, specializing in fifthwheel and towable RV’s.
The new facility includes 5,000
square feet of office. According to Don
Emahiser, President of CrossRoads,
“The new plant will give us the needed
flexibility to expand our Cruiser line
of RV’s.” The design adds the flexibility for lean manufacturing, which is a
process where labor and inventory are
The town of Topeka granted a tax
phase-in for the project. An additional
250 jobs will be created by this expansion. The facility will be completed in
August of 2012.
Left to right: Mike Sutter, Mike Kloska, Don Emahiser, Dan Kreider, Yvonne Eash, Garry Heller, Ron Troyer, Fred Ramser, Keith Gillenwater, Randy Huffman,
Hometown Treasure photo
and Larry Miller.
pg 10 · The Hometown Treasure · May ‘12