H. Honor Roll ... cont. from previous
Grade 10
Chandler Aspy, Kylie Barker, Jolene Bender, Jacob Berkey, Kayla Bontrager, Ciara
Borg, Alexis Brandau, Sidney Byrkett,
Buchanan Carpenter, Kristen Duff, Taylor
Eash, Erik Hart, Corina Hochstetler, Timothy Hostetler, James Jantzi, Jamin Lambright, Cody Litwiller, Kathryn Lovell,
Abigail Miller, Heidi Miller, Stephanie
Mowery, Elaine Mullett, Tori Oesch, Koryn Stevens, Jordan Stoltzfus, Jordayn
Swartz, Madison Weir, Hannah Witham,
Julia Wright, John Yoder, and Kathy Yoder.
Grade 11
Samantha Anderson, Tarrin Beachy, Sarah
Bish, Jasmine Bogan, Jordyn Bonrtrager,
Erika Byler, Casey Calvillo, Hunter Christner, Kohle Christner, Gabrielle Downey,
Logan Good, Amber Gunthorp, Damon
Hershberger, Micah Hunsberger, Rachel
Johns, Xander Laughlin, Jaron Lewton,
Brianna Marks, Jeanie Miller, Josiah
Miller, Katelyn Miller, Kyle Miller, Logan
Miller, Khaled Omar, Hunter Pearson,
Samantha Pfenning, Zephanie Reed, Amber Roth, Devin Sharick, Courtney Soto,
Chanda Strong, Kimberly Stutzman, Jamar Weaver, Brooke Wigner, Hailee Williamson, and Brooke Yoder.
Grade 12
Devin Aspy, Taylor Bender, Ted Berger,
Jordan Blank, Samantha Bontrager, Austin Borg, Jordann Braid, Jessica Campos,
Kelsey Carmack, Candice Chupp, Carrie
Chupp, Ben Cramer, Sarka Dufkova, Destiny Eicher, Parker Fought, Nelson Grate,
Mack Grobis, Stephenie Hochstetler,
Kaylene Kaufman, Maxim Laughlin, Tanner Mast, Ariel Miller, Damon Miller,
Krista Miller, Olivia Miller, Sarah Miller,
Michelle Mowery, Yeonwoo Nam, Kurt
Paulsen, Nathan Raber, Nicholas Raber,
Kiersten Reeve, Josh Richardson, Krystal
Schmucker, Amanda Schwartz, Brooke
Schwartz, Nicole Sharp, Jarret Slabach,
Jessica Varney, Taylor Warren, Brett Yoder, and Kayla Yoder.
Congratulations to all our
Honor Roll and High Honor
Roll students!
continued on next page
pg 6 · The Hometown Treasure · March ‘13
Lion, Witch ... cont. from previous
and resurrection of the mighty lion
Aslan, played by Ben Cramer, and all
celebrated the victory over the White
Witch and her minions in the final,
impressively full-scale battle sequence.
Other notable characters included Mr.
and Mrs. Beaver (Drew Sumwalt and
Jessica Castle), the Dwarf servant of
the Witch (Sarah Brugger), and Father
Christmas (Owen Fry).
Wardrobe was directed by Shilo
Flowers, with the help of her assistant
Full Cast Photo on
Inside Back Cover
director and mom, Pam Flowers. Shilo
and Pam have a long history of working together backstage for the Westview Theatre department, so when
Shilo was asked to step in as the new
director, she knew she couldn’t have
picked a better assistant and supporter
than her mom. Both women originally
got involved to help support Shilo’s
younger sister Tennelle, who was – and
still is – very passionate about theatre
at Westview. Whenever Tennelle is not
performing onstage, she is helping out
any way she can behind the scenes. For
Photo by Dawn Byler
MAR 1ST 2013 - MAR 17TH 2013
Sarah Davis, Ltd.
Davis Mercantile
Shipshewana, IN
Monday - Saturday
9 am - 6 pm