The Hometown Treasure June 2011 | Page 48

June 2011 Phone: 260-463-4901 • Fax 888-439-6528 • The Hometown Treasure Topeka Town News — From The Clerk’s Desk by DeWayne Bontrager, Town Clerk There have been some personnel changes in Town work force for this spring. Ron Eash who has been employed as Street Superintendant has recently been appointed to serve as Town Manager, the position vacated when Larry Schrock retired. Kylen Branham has been employed by the Street Department and will be responsible for street maintenance and working at infrastructure repair. Kylen has had experience working with a construction company, doing such tasks as back-hoe operator and road and street construction. On May 23, a public hearing was held regarding water/wastewater utility rates. The rate study was done by Umbaugh & Associates, financial consultants. Recommendations were made by Umbaugh & Associates for the Topeka Utilities. The water rates shall remain the same. Wastewater rates will increase 17% or around $5.00 per month. Minimum bill is projected to be $27.15. The Topeka water supply comes from three 12 inch wells by the East Park that are 182 feet deep. The aquifer is a glacier out-wash of very coarse stones. Water is filtered prior to going into the overhead storage tanks and made available for use. Average daily consumption at present is around 300,000 gallons. Wastewater is discharged at the wastewater plant on Lehman Avenue. First, all sewage goes through a fine screen device, then on to the sludge tanks where sludge that settles to the bottom is pumped out and taken by truck to the Steuben County Waste District. It is then processed, bagged, and sold to stores for sale as a soil conditioner. Two Locations to Serve You! Quality LP Products Superior Service “Your Complete Propane Supplier” • Residential • Dryer Gas • • Agricultural • Commercial • CETP Certified Technicians Budget Plan Auto Fill Plan Where loyalty is rewarded by saving you $$ - TANKS FOR LEASE OR SALE - Page 48 Now Accepting Compare & Save!! Propane Toll Free: 1-800-593-2943 • 260-593-2943 Main Office: 9245W 400S • Topeka, Indiana 46571 The liquid portion is processed at the plant, ran through the lights and over waterfalls and into Barr Ditch. At this point, it is supposedly drinkable ... any takers? The 700 south project began May 23. As a reminder, the traffic pattern is “one way” starting at State Road 5 and heading east into town. Kite Day was canceled two weeks ago due to weather conditions. Kite day has been rescheduled for June 4 at West Park 10 am to 12 pm. 1 free kite, hot dog, and pop for each kid. May 28 is opening day at Maple Lane Animal Farm. Half price admission for that day! Our message to the graduating seniors ... Congratulations! “There is a destiny that makes us brothers; None goes his way alone; All that we send into lives of others comes back into our own.”