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thorough course of female education. The course of
study was decidedly Christian oriented and met the
demands of physiological law and provided for manual
labor with a liberal character.
In 1837 a one and a half story work shop was
constructed on the grounds of the college which was
located in Ontario, Lagrange County, and later that
same year, a 30x50 foot building two and a half stories
high was built as the college building itself. By 1840
the building was ready to be used for a school and for
12 years it stood upon 20 round posts cut from local
forest trees.
The school opened on the second Wednesday of
November, 1838, in the village of Ontario, which at that
time was home to only 15 to 20 families. The school
was first taught by Cyril Wilson and Beulah Wilson until
July 4, 1839, when a terrible sickly season came on.
Tradition tells us that after July 20, there was only
one man, a Mr. Salmon, who was able to go around
to the village’s families “and he only just able to carry
a pitcher of water to each.”
LaGrange County was organized in 1832 and the
first census in 1840 found a population of 3,663; it was
estimated that in 1837 the county would have had a
population of around 2,000 so it was difficult to raise
the funds needed for the college.
After 30 years of difficulty in raising the money
needed, the trustees authorized the solicitation of
a permanent endowment fund of $10,000 for the
institution to survive off of the interest. By 1867 this
amount was raised.
There were 40 acres of land connected to the
college and buildings were erected on them including
a large barn.
The average attendance of the college for the first
22 years of its existence was 40 students, with actual
attendance varying from under 20 to over 100. The
students were mainly farmers. The principal was paid
around $400 annually with assistants paid around
$1.50 a week. Many of the students who attended the
LaGrange Collegiate Institute became very successful
and prominent men and women for the times. This
institution did much for local education during its
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