The Hometown Treasure July 2013 | Page 44

Kayla Yoder sends the dirt flying as she slides safely across home plate in the game against Central Noble on Mon., Apr. 29, 2013. Sidney Byrkett runs to get underneath the ball and catches it for an out against the Cougars in the game against Central Noble on Mon., Apr. 29, 2013. And she’s safe! Michelle Mowery and the Cougars’ first base player wait for the official word on whether Mowery made it back to the base safely in the game against Central Noble on Mon., Apr. 29, 2013. Sports photos by Abby Wenger. Michelle Mowery celebrates with a smile and a thumbs up as she makes it safely to first base in the game against Central Noble. Brooke Yoder takes her turn at bat for the Lady Warriors in the game against Central Noble on Mon., Apr. 29, 2013. pg 42 · The Hometown Treasure · July ‘13