This powerful hit from
Judah Zickafoose earns him
a double and brings two of
his teammates across home
plate in the game against
Lakeland on Mon., Apr. 29,
crosses home
and scores
another run for
the Warriors
in the game
against Prairie
Heights on
Thurs., Apr. 25,
SAFE! Jacob Berkey slides in to home plate and
under the catcher in the game against Lakeland
on Mon., Apr. 29, 2013. Amid cheers from the
Warrior crowd and the cries of disbelief from
the Lakeland fans, the umpire declares him safe
and another run is scored by the Warriors.
Pitcher Jamar Weaver was on fire in the game
against Lakeland on Mon., Apr. 29, 2013. The
game ended at the bottom of the 5th inning
when the Warriors beat the Lakers 13-0.
Sports photos by
Abby Wenger.
The Hometown Treasure · July ‘13 · pg 41