295 N Van Buren St. Shipshewana, IN
(260) 768-4923
Name: _________________________________________________________ Age: __________________
Coloring Contest for children age 6 and younger. Sponsored by Wana Cup in Shipshewana this month!
Winner gets a FREE ICE CREAM TREAT OF CHOICE at Wana Cup. Winning Drawings will be on display at
Wana Cup. ALL PARTICIPANTS come in and claim your drawing for A FREE ICE-CREAM CONE at Wana
Cup in August. Mail completed page to: LaGwana, Coloring Contest, PO Box 70, Shipshewana, IN 46565.
Deadline for entry is Friday, July 19, 2013.
Address: ________________________________________________________________________________
pg 12 · The Hometown Treasure · July ‘13
March ‘13