The Hometown Treasure July 2012 | Page 27

Westview High School Track Goes To State by Jerry Hostetler Considering Westview is a 2A was able to pull away in the last ten school, there was an impressive repmeters and win the race in a time of resentation of Warrior tracksters at 42.2 seconds, only .17 seconds off of the state track meet in Indianapolis in her state record time, set last year, of early June. 42.03 seconds. Skyler Carpenter led the way for At the end of State competition in the Warriors in spectacular fashion, Bloomington, Skyler was bestowed the capturing gold medals in three state honor of being named the recipient of events. In long jump competition she the IHSAA Mental Attitude award. leaped 18 feet 10½ inches, a personal Westview senior Jeslyn Zimmerly best for Skyler, and long enough for also had an impressive showing at the her to garner first place in that event. state meet, with a second place finish Carpenter had been defeated the previ- behind Bloomington South’s Hannah ous week in regional competition by Acton. Jeslyn cleared 12 feet even, to second place finisher Ariane Nelson secure her second place finish. She will from Homestead High school. Last year be pole vaulting for Indiana Tech in Skyler jumped 18 feet 8½ inches to win Fort Wayne as she continues her acathe state long jump gold medal. demic and track career next fall. Carpenter was also defending her Westview’s boys track team was 2011 title in the 100-meter hurdles. also well represented at the state meet, That added pressure didn’t seem to with sophomore Trey Kennedy lea [????\?\?][ \??H?[???KHH?^H?]H?Y?X?H?[?\?[?B??X][Y]?H^[????H???^[?B??H?][]?[? ??[??YH?][Y MB????\?][?[\?\??]?H[YH???Y] ?[??\????XZ?\????????M ?L??X????X?[???\?H\??X?? ?[? NNL??\???[??YK?^x?&\???[?\?????[\????]\???H?]H?[\[??\[??H ? [Y]\?\?\?[?]?[???H?][?]H?[\? MH?Y]]?[???]??[\?Y??[?H???]?QX\?Y\?\?YX\??^H????H\??]\??&\??\??]HYY]??\??^\??\?????\?[?[???\??Y]??H?][??H?\??X?[????YH?Y????\]][???X??? MH?Y]]?[??????HY][??\????^[?H??K??[?\?[??[?[?X?H[??B?????Xx?&\??[[?H?X???]??[\???][??\]][??\??\??Y]??&\???]H?X?\??]H?[\? M?Y]?]?[????[?[???]?\??Y]??&\??]B??X???\?\?[?]]?\??\??[?[??\??B????\?????[?\?Y[?[?B? Y]\??[??]H[YH? N?MK?L?B?\???[?\??????\??????\?[?\??X\?[??\???YY[????H ?? ?? ?? ?8?(??^ ?? ?? ?? B???\??\??X?H ?? ? ??M ??X[?Z[\?8?(??[?Z[\??[?^H H??Y^H MH8?(??]\?^H LB??M?U? L?8?(??Z]H H8?(??\?]?[?KS? ?M?B??HZ[H??]?T? ??HY?[??YB?[?H??X?HXY?H?Z[[????]? ?\?Y\?\?XZ????[?\?\?????[?\?\?8?(??]?\Z\??\??H?Y[?8?(??Z[\??Y[??Z?\?8?(??[?[??\??\?[??[?8?(??[??[???[??H?\?\?8?(?]X?[?B??\?[??[[Y\?H?[???H?[??\??&\??][B?Y?\??X?Z]?[??\??[?\?YY[[??]H?H?][???\]][?????^H?[??YH?H?[??\??&\??][HY?\??X?Z]?[??\? ]X?HYY[[?H?]H?H?][???\]][???????X?Z]Y???H?\?\?????[Z\?8?(??X????U??8?(??\?H\]Z\Y[?8?(?]??H?Y]???X\?\?H0???[H8?& L?0??? ?B??