Exploring Our First County Park
David Rogers Memorial Park
Who would have ever
dreamed that someone
as eccentric as Dr. David Rogers would ever be
looked to as the father
of LaGrange County’s
by Harold D. Gingerich
And yet it was his donation of
land and the proceeds from his estate,
in a will drawn up in 1868 for the use
and benefit of the orphan poor and
destitute of the county, which gave
LaGrange County what would become
its first public park. While the property
has undergone change, what emerged
were the beginnings of our modern
parks system that now maintains
eleven sites throughout the county.
House Boat
docked on Lake Wawasee
Rent by the Day or by
the Week.
Weekend Rates May Vary.
Houseboat has a water slide!
Canoe Rental
on the Elkhart River
Option 1: Ligonier area to my house. Approx.
4 hrs, easy to moderate.
Option 2: My house to Benton Spillway or to
Approx. 4 hrs, moderate to challenging.
18 canoes available • 2-3
persons per canoe
Open throughout week. Closed Sundays.
Rental by Reservation Only • Call for Rates
LeRoy O. Yoder • 574-642-4319 x 2
Leave a message if no answer
68152 CR 37 • Millersburg, IN 46543
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