Westview Elementary
One of the students gets ready to take a whack at it.
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Sixth grade students at Westview
Elementar y School celebrated the
completion of their piñata sculptures with
a party in the gymnasium on Friday.
Sixteen large scale piñatas were built by
groups of students as part of an integrated Art
and Social Studies unit focusing on Mexico.
Students studied animal forms and
decorative pattern to use in constructing
the sculptures, as well as the culture and
history of Mexico.
Phone: 260-463-4901 • Fax 888-439-6528 • The Hometown Treasure
class at Westview Elementary
school put their math skills
to good use this December by
making no-sew fleece blankets
for charity. The class decided
in November they would
perform a charitable service
this holiday season rather than
have a classroom Christmas
exchange. The charity, Ronald
McDonald House of South
Bend, will be the recipient of
8 one-of-a-kind fleece blankets
for their family room located
at Memorial Hospital. The
Ronald McDonald Family
Room is an alternative
for families of seriously ill
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The kids began their The class posing with their completed and wrapped blankets.
project at the beginning of
December by first deciding who they would work with group was given and on a cold December morning,
and getting into groups of three or four. The kids then the groups set to work! As Christmas music played in
decided they design and colors of fabric they would the background, the kids happily measured and made
like to use for their blanket. Yoder’s Department Store their cuts precisely to create a gift that will warm the
of Shipshewana, Indiana contributed to the project by hearts of families for years to come.
donating 5 yards of fabric. The students also chipped
The week before Christmas break, the students
in $3 toward the purchase of fabric. Mrs. Heerschop finally wrapped up their blankets and made Christmas
then made the trek to Yoder’s on a snowy afternoon cards to go along with them. The week before Christmas,
to make the purchase.
Mrs. Heerschop will have the pleasure of delivering
Yoder’s also provided a directions sheet that each these to the Ronald McDonald Family Room.
January 2011
Westview Elementary