Shipshewana Town News
Although I’ve not been present for
previous Ice Festival weekends, the
2012 event seemed to be very successful. I’m sure some folks might want to
do a comparative analysis and indicate
that “Well, it was successful, but nowhere as good as back in…” You always
have that unknown variable called
“weather” that may have indeed made
the one back then much better than
the 2012 version because it was ten
degrees colder, or snowing at a rate of 2
inches an hour. One can suppose that
wintery ambience, even when provided
by Mother Nature is always critical to
the success of any December outdoor
holiday event. Regardless, congratulations to all those businesses that participated and to the great leadership of
Levi King and the Shipshewana Retail
Merchants Association in putting together another successful event.
The S.R.M.A. will hold its annual
dinner meeting on February 26th with
Mr. Carry Summers scheduled to speak
on tourism and marketing. Carry has
experience with Branson, Missouri,
Bass Pro-Shops and Silver Dollar City.
The event is well worth attending.
Contact the S.R.M.A., Monday thru
Thursday at 768-7589 for details. The
Town of Shipshewana’s “Quality of
Life’ award will also be presented at the
dinner meeting.
The Shipshewana Town Council
recognized the work of council members Jerry Rice and Jerry Ankney who
completed their terms on December
31. Jerry Rice served a total of 12 years
County Line
while Jerry Ankney served four years.
Both were honored at the December
Council meeting with plaques thanking them for their service to the community. Holding an elected office is
never an easy job, nor does it ever get
you a free ticket to anywhere. It takes
hard work, perseverance and a desire
to serve the community and in today’s
climate, the acceptance that your
decisions will always be under critical
review. Everyone has an opinion and
this becomes no more obvious than
when you hold an elected position.
Also honored was George Bachman
who served many years as the county
commissioner representing the Middle
District. George’s perseverance, work
ethic and leadership will be missed. He
was an exceptional representative.
The entire Town staff looks forward to working with new Council
members, Arlene Lazzaro and Elmer
Dean Gillette, Street Superintendent, has already been out removing
snow. Certainly if weather patterns
follow those of the last couple of years,
January could be much busier for the
department. Please remember to help
Town staff with the snow removal process by limiting your overnight street
parking if at all possible. Operating the
snow plow is difficult at best. Operating the equipment between vehicles
parked on both sides of the street
leaves little room to operate, or to locate snow. Shoveling out your vehicle
at 5 or 6 am never makes you a “happy
camper.” It can be avoided by parking
elsewhere overnight.
In other news, the Park Master
Plan was presented at a January 9
public meeting. The plan takes into
consideration public input garnered
from a survey. The survey indicated
that the top three recreational activities currently of the respondents
were biking, using playgrounds and
basketball. The number one barrier to
using recreational facilities was a lack
of leisure time, being unaware of what
is available and the lack of restroom
facilities in recreational areas (such as
the ball fields and soccer areas). The
plan proposes that the Park Board
incorporate as part of its “Action Plan”
for 2013 the completion of the concession and restroom facility at the ball
diamond facility and the completion
of the Pumpkinvine Trailhead. Future
goals would be lights at the ball fields
in 2014, volleyball courts by 2016 and
an effort to start planning for a community swimming pool to commence
in 2017. These are lofty, but achievable
goals that will require community
participation and support. As always,
moving “vision” from a concept to
reality takes the entire community.
Without the participation and support
of the community, the success of the
Master Plan is limited.
We look forward to a safe and successful 2013!
Discount Groceries
With locations in Shipshewana
and Middlebury to serve you best.
On the east edge of Middlebury at 508 E. Warren Street
In Shipshewana North Village just east of SR 5
Hrs: Mon.-Thur. 8-5:30, Fri. 8-7:00, Sat. 8-4:30
pg 52 · The Hometown Treasure · February ‘13
by Mike Sutter
Stopher-King Studio
LaGrange, IN • 260.463.2021