Senior Spotlight
Brian Mullett
With words first glorified in the
movie Rudy, Brian Mullett is “five foot
nothin’ and weigh’s 100 and nothin’”
but he has hung with the Warrior wrestling team for all four years of his high
school career. Any past or present Warrior wrestler will tell you that it is no
small feat. Head Coach, Joel Pippenger,
makes sure his team will work hard
to prepare them for the road ahead.
Although Mullett is known best for his
wrestling prowess and his willingness
to show off his abs, they are not all that
defines him.
During his high school career
he has been involved with the cross
country team and other school organizations aiding in making Westview a
more enjoyable high school to attend.
“If I’m going to wake up early every
day, I’m going to make sure I have some
fun,” said Mullett. His favorite moments from attending Westview have
been being able to represent Westview
in two consecutive semi-state wrestling appearances with a third almost
sure to come this February. He passed
the 100 wins milestone at the Easter
High School Invitational in December.
He pointed out that winning is definitely the best part of playing a sport
during high school.
“I couldn’t have gotten here without my coaches,” said Mullett. “They
have taught me everything I know and
kept me in great shape.” He wanted to
give a special thanks to coaches Pippenger, Misner, and Bontrager.
During school, Brian has maintained over a 3.0 G.P.A. giving him
constant academic honor roll achieve-
Sports photos by
Abby Wenger
Freshman Jared Drake wrestles his Goshen
opponent into a very uncomfortable looking position at the JV Wrestling Tourney on
Thurs., Jan. 17.
ments. Even though his grades have
always been great, he has enjoyed
his study hall class the most, other
than the P.E. classes that he got to lift
weights with Joel Pippenger.
After high school, Mullett is going to attend Ivy Tech in Fort Wayne
and work towards getting a job that
offers him some financial cushion. He
said that he will have to earn enough
money to make his future “smoking
hot” wife happy.
His advice to underclassmen is
simple, “It’s high school. Have fun
with your friends. You have to come
to school five days a week, make sure
you have a good time on the weekends.
Also, smokers are jokers.”
Senior Brett Yoder takes his turn cutting the
net after an exciting win over Fairfield on Sat.,
Jan. 12 to win the NECC Tourney Title.
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The Hometown Treasure · February ‘13 · pg 31