Mystery Contest
1st Prize: Dinner for two from Blue Gate Restaurant, Shipshewana, a personalized stationery
package from LaGwana Printing, Inc., and a copy
of The Honeyville Journal from Aurora Services, Inc.
2nd Prize(s)*: Personalized stationery package
from LaGwana Printing, and The Honeyville Journal.
3rd Prize(s)*: The Honeyville Journal.
February Contest Sponsored by
Blue Gate Restaurant, LaGwana Printing & Aurora Services
Kenny & Lorene Miller of 600S, Topeka, correctly identified last issue's farm as owned
by Dennis & Loranna Graber, 3825W 550S, Topeka. Congratulations!! They won a $20 gift
certificate from Tiffany’s Restaurant, Topeka, a stationery set from LaGwana Printing, Inc.,
and a copy of The Honeyville Journal from Aurora Services. Inc.! Second prize went to Harley &
Anita Lehman of 300W, Topeka. Third prize went to Vernon & Ruth Beechy of 600S, Topeka.
*Additional 2nd and 3rd prizes will be awarded for
every 50 entries over 100 received.
1) Identify farm shown by owner’s name,
by address, or by the road and nearest
intersecting road.
2) Mail to Hometown Treasure - Mystery Farm,
P.O. Box 744, Shipshewana, IN 46565.
Please include your name and address.
3) Entry deadline: February 17, 2012
4) Winners will be drawn and prizes mailed.
5) Correct entries listed in our next issue!
January’s Mystery Farm had 40 entries altogether. Those that guessed correctly were: LaVerne & Dorothy Whetstone,
LaVera Whetstone, Mervin C. Mast, Vernon & Mary Edna Miller, Gene & Mary Miller, Fritz & Norma Bontrager,
Devon & Leah Lehman, Dennis & Mary Anna Schrock, Freeman & Darla Hostetler, Fritz & Rose Bontrager, Orva
& Marlene Herschberger, Harvey & Susie Miller, Olen & Carolyn Hershberger, Steven & Doris Miller, Mary Ellen
& LeAnna Miller, Junior & Mabel Miller, Jonas & Carolyn Weaver, Mary M. Yoder, Mr. & Mrs. LaVern Lambright,
John Jay & LeAnna Kurtz, Lavon L. Yoder, Mr. & Mrs. Dave Beechy, Darla Sue Miller, Lavern O. & Mary Anna
Miller, Ira & Mattie Mullet, Crist & LeAnne Miller, Danny & Ina Miller, John & Marlene Riehl, Wayne & Wilma