LaGrange County Council Update
by Jac Price
On November 14, 2011 the LaGrange County Council met in regular
session to conduct the financial business of the county.
Prosecuting Attorney Jeff Wible
presented a request for additional
appropriations from the Infraction Deferral Fund of $5,856 for the LaGrange
County Sheriff Department for lights
and suppressors. For the Indiana State
Police he requested $10,072.92 for
Tasers, $1,560.00 for vehicle adapters,
$149.99 for holsters, $691.98 for K-9
equipment, and $733.90 for vehicle
covers. In his presentation he stated
that “tasers are a problem eliminator”.
The council informed him that these
items were on the additional appropriations for action today and would be
dealt with then.
County Plan Administrator Bob
Shanahan appeared with a request to
the county commissioners to revise the
ordinance they passed in summer that
allows up to $10,000 for legal fees to
be paid for the legal work of the Plan
Commission. He stated that over the
past 3 years that the average annual
legal expense has been about $15,000
and that the income from Building
Permits which funds this expense
will exceed $19,900. He does not feel
that the $10,000 will cover the 2012
expense. After a discussion with Mr.
Shanahan the council told him that
this was a commissioner issue and that
he should take the concern to them for
modification of the ordinance.
Commissioner George Bachman
reported that the Shipshewana Sewer
Project is now moving forward and the
Utility District will be starting the process with a meeting on December 12,
2011 at the Utility District Office. He
also reported that Chief Deputy Sheriff
Jeff Campos and Highway Superintendent Jeff Brill have agreed to form a
safety committee. This committee will
analyze all of the vehicle accidents that
involve county vehicles to try to determine ways to correct any unsafe practices. George also reported that 911
Director Arron Knisley and IT Director
Bob Murphy are investigating a VOIP
(Voice Over Internet Protocol) which
has the potential of saving the county
money in the telephone expense.
The time of the year has arrived
when the council is requested to make
many transfers of funds within many
different budgets to bring all accounts
within those funds into balance. This
month there were 71 accounts in 14
funds which needed to be studied and
approved. After due consideration
and discussion the council approved
Shipshewana-Scott Elementary
school had their annual Muffins with
Mom and Donuts with Dad. It is a
special time for the students to spend
pg 38 · The Hometown Treasure · Dec. ‘11
the transfer of funds. The next item
of business was the consideration of
the Additional Appropriations. All of
the additional appropriations were
approved except the Health Department request for and additional
$111,951.09. There is some concern
of not knowing what the reason for
this request is. County Attorney Legal
Claims in the amount of $9,414.04
were presented and approved.
Council President Charles Ashcraft
pointed out that we are approaching
the end of the year and there are many
boards that will need to have appointments made. The council will need to
make appointments to the Alcohol
Beverage Board, LaGrange County
Redevelopment Commission, and the
Property Tax Assessment Board of
Appeals. The Commissioners also have
quite a few appointments to make.
Both the Commissioner and Council
are interested in seeing county residents apply to serve on these boards. If
anyone has an interest, check with the
County Auditor as that office has all of
the open positions and the applications
that need to be submitted.
As always, we will try to be good
stewards of your tax dollars.
Wordsmith Trainees
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time with their mom and dad and
enjoy a donut. Jon Zehr was a guest
reader this year and the first and second grade students sang 4 songs.
The Shipshewana Lion’s Club
presented dictionaries to the Third
Graders at Meadowview Elementary
School as well as at Shipshewana-Scott
Elementary School. The students will
be able to use the dictionaries and keep
them after the school year is over.
Students from Meadoview show off their new
Photo Submitted