Mystery Contest
1st Prize: $25 gift certificate from Tiffany’s
Restaurant, Topeka, a personalized stationery
package from LaGwana Printing, Inc., and a copy
of The Honeyville Journal from Aurora Services, Inc.
2nd Prize(s)*: Personalized stationery package
from LaGwana Printing, and The Honeyville Journal.
3rd Prize(s)*: The Honeyville Journal.
December Contest Sponsored by
Tiffany’s Restaurant, LaGwana Printing & Aurora Services
Glenn & Ruth Yutzy of 400W, Topeka, correctly identified last issue's farm as owned
by Mark & Miriam Mast, 2680N 850W, Shipshewana, IN 46565. Congratulations!! They
won dinner for two from Blue Gate Restaurant, Shipshewana, a stationery set from LaGwana
Printing, Inc., and a copy of The Honeyville Journal from Aurora Services. Inc.! Second prize went
to Greg & Rose Mast of SR 13, Goshen. Third prize went to LeRoy & Irene Miller, of 850W,
*Additional 2nd and 3rd prizes will be awarded for
every 50 entries over 100 received.
1) Identify farm shown by owner's name,
by address, or by the road and nearest
intersecting road.
2) Mail to Hometown Treasure - Mystery Farm,
P.O. Box 744, Shipshewana, IN 46565.
Please include your name and address.
3) Entry deadline: December 16, 2011
4) Winners will be drawn and prizes mailed.
5) Correct entries listed in our next issue!
November’s Mystery Farm must have been a TOUGH one! We had only 9 entries altogether. That means all the
correct entries had one chance in three of winning a prize! The six other correct entries were from: Lydia K. Yoder,
Junior & LeEtta Yutzy, Jr. & Shirleen Bontrager, Alton & Susie Miller, Larry & Ruth Lambright, and Leland & Laura
Michiana Idol Has Local Connections
Community Calendar
cont. from 35
16 Boys Bball @ Angola.................6 pm
17 Wresting Invite @ Home.....8:45 am
19 JH Boys Bball @ E. Noble.. 4:30 pm
B&G JV & 9th Bball @ Lland...6 pm
SES Christmas Program..........7 pm
20 Boys Bball & 9th vs E. Noble...6 pm
Dec. 22-Jan. 3 Christmas Break!
22 B&G Bball vs Lakeland............6 pm
25 Christmas Day!
ec. 26-Jan. 2 Christmas Tree Walk
@ Hostetler’s Hudson Museum
Left to right: Mike Stiles, radio personality for Thunder Country, Steve Swick, Chelsea Fink and Andy St.
Photo contributed
This fall an eye exam technician, Chelsea Fink of Nappanee, was named the
winner in the local Michiana Idol contest sponsored by Thunder Country. Chelsea is the granddaughter of Bud Fink of Wolcottville.
According to Grandpa, all that singing she used to do in the car that would
annoy her brother so much has now paid off for her. To win the title, Chelsea had
to perform one country song, one from the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s era and then one
of her choice. Previous singing experiences included two years of choir in high
The Hometown Treasure · Dec. ‘11 · pg 37
school and some karoke contests.
28-30 Ice Festival in Shipshewana
see page 53
29 Wrestling Eastern Tourn....8:30 am
30 Wrestling Easter