have lacked in years past. Their front
court is composed of junior Brooke
sectional title,” said Carpenter. She
Schwartz, with Zimmerly and Carpenbelieves they can be due to the group
ter rounding out the starting line-up.
that they have and due to the fact
Their size will create mismatches
that Fairfield and Jimtown left their
for the opposing teams. Sometimes
for the good and sometimes for the
The Lady Warriors biggest strength not so good. However, they will play
this season will be their speed. “We are every team very tough according to
going to be a good fast breaking team,” Carpenter.
added Carpenter. Their weakness will
Coach Randy Yoder has been getof course be their inexperience. Not
ting the team prepared this season and
only are Carpenter and Zimmerly the
players on the team say that it’s helped
only seniors on the team, but they are
tremendously. “We’ve had a different
the only two players on the varsity
approach to practice this year than
squad to have seen any playing time
in years past,” said Carpenter. “There
in a varsity game. “Our leadership (Car- has been a lot more scrimmaging and I
penter and Zimmerly) comes down to
believe this is a positive change.”
examples through practice. I think the
Their schedule plays into the Lady
young girls look up to us and buy into
Warriors favor this season. They are
our hard work,” said Carpenter.
0-2 with tough losses to Wawasee
Their back court is manned by
and Elkhart Memorial. However, the
Brooke Yoder and Amber Roth. Two
toughest part of the schedule is out of
sophomores that make up for in speed the way and Westview can get back to
what they lack in height. Their ball
playing good basketball against more
handling will also be an upgrade to
even competition.
this years team. That is something they
The girls team has a definite weak-
Sports Scoop ... cont. from 33
ness with varsity experience but according to Carpenter, it will get better
from here on out. The team chemistry
is great with bonding happening on
and off the court. “The important thing
is, is that there are no ’age barriers’
between us,” said Carpenter. With leadership from Carpenter and Zimmerly,
the team should be in shape quickly.
Westview Wrestling
The core of the Warrior wrestling
team is back from last season as senior
Austin Lewton is ready to lead his
teammates into battle. Lewton is a
quiet student-athlete that picks his
spots to talk and express his views and
opinions. His wrestling style is much
of the same and he is hoping to make
it to state this year. Last year, Lewton
wrestled with a torn meniscus is his
knee and made it to semi-state where
he lost in the opening round. Not bad
for a wrestler with torn knee cartilage.
This story is important because Lewton’s leadership is what is shaping this
years team.
Westview’s 2011 Wrestling: Back row (left to right): Max Laughlin, JC Schact, Logan Good, Brice Charters, Michael Yankowski, Taylor Warren, Kegan
Watson, and head coach Joel Pippenger. Middle: Isaac Zickafoose, Trey Kennedy, Tony Steglich, Austin Gamble, Lucas Hunter, Austin Lewton, and Paul Housh.
Front: Tyler Reith, Brian Mullett, Nate Gerardot, Kevin Morris, Brady McNamara, and Anthony Hostetler. Not pictured: Aaron Wheeler.
Photo by Stopher-King Studio
High School Wrestling • 2011-2012
continued on next page
pg 34 · The Hometown TreasureNov. ‘11
· Dec. ‘11
pg 34 · The Hometown Treasure · Dec. ‘11