his senior counterparts to do the same.
As for strengths the team possesses, Westview has always taken pride in
As for the rough schedule to start
their defense and this year will be no
the season, Yoder says it’s just somedifferent. “I believe that our defense
thing they’re going to have to deal
is key because it will lead us to many
with. ”It’s going to be a challenge beof our offensive points,” said Yoder. A
cause we have a young team with only
weakness the Warriors have is turning
a few guys seeing varsity playing time
but we believe that the early challenges the ball over. Throughout the season
they will have to limit their turnovers
will help us succeed at the end of the
year when it matters most” said Yoder. and Yoder knows a lot of that will come
down to his bidding.
Another challenge the Warriors face
An interesting story line for
is the suspension of Miller. “Someone
Westview this season is the talent level
else is going to have to step up and fill
the team has. The talent level is not as
his spot and when he comes back he
will hopefully make us that much bet- separated as it was last year. The team
has a lot of players that can come in to
ter,” Yoder said.
the game and fill each others roll withWestview may be inexperienced
out much difference. This means that a
but they will not be unprepared due
lot of players will get quality time and
to head coach, Rob Yoder. “He has
every player will be as important as the
prepared us this year just like every
other year and in my mind there is
“I think every player on the varsity
not a coach around that gets a team
prepared for a season like coach does,” team is going to be called upon somesaid Yoder. Yoder will also have a say in time during this year and they have to
be ready when the time comes,” said
getting the team prepared as he plans
to be a leader by example and expects
Sports Scoop ... cont. from 32
There have also been significant
improvements from several players in
the program since last season as well.
Sophomore Judah Zickafoose and junior Devin Aspy have really improved
their post games and they should get
many chances to use them.
“We’re a young team and we’re still
figuring out how to play together,” said
Yoder. Hopefully the Warriors will figure it out soon and come away after the
first few games with their team intact
ready to take the rest of the season by
Westview Girls Basketball
This report could not be started
without stating that the team lost
seven seniors from last years squad.
After that, an elite squad can not be
put back together within a year. On
this years team, only two seniors are
returning; Skyler Carpenter and Jeslyn
Zimmerly. Although they are two great
players, this season will be tough.
“We want to be contenders for the
continued on page 34
2011-12 Westview Varsity Girls Team Back row (left to right): Assistant coach Bev Miller, Skyler Carpenter, Brooke Schwartz, Rachelle Whitaker, and
head coach Randy Yoder. Front: Brooke Yoder, Olivia Miller, Kayla Yoder, Jeslyn Zimmerly, and Amber Roth.
Photo by Stopher-King Studio
Varsity Girls Basketball • 2011-2012
The Hometown Treasure · Dec. ‘11 · pg 33
The Hometown Treasure · Dec. ‘11 · pg 33