Westview Open
Track Results
The 2012 edition of the Westview
Open Track Meets were recently completed at the Westview track. Fortyseven competitors participated in the
first meet, while forty-nine competed
in meet two. “We had all ages of athletes (participate), from age three to
fifty-six years old. It was a great time
watching everyone compete in the
various events, families run together
and cheer each other on, and all the
athletes improve their health,” said
meet organizer Les Hively. Hively went
on to say, “These meets would not happen if it weren’t for all the volunteers
that helped time races, measure jumps,
record times, and set up equipment.”
Hively is planning on hosting these
meets annually with a few changes to
improve the experience. He would like
to thank all the athletes, parents, and a
special thanks to the Westview School
Corporation for letting community
members use the track facilities.
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1st Place Ribbon won by Cole Hively for his 800m
run time of 4:10 at age 6. Photos submitted by Les Hively
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Christine Yoder being given a special medal for
completing the 2-mile run at age eight. This was the
only special award given at either track meet.
The Hometown Treasure · August ‘12 · pg 39