Building a
New House or
Trees & Shrubs
Come see us for
special discounts on:
Bulk/Bag Mulch • Cocoa Bean Mulch
Fertilizers • Landscape • Stone/Topsoil
Retaining Wall Blocks & Pavers
Plumbing • Paint
…and NOW
Delivery Available
Tub & Shower Units
Stools • Faucets
Ace is the Place to find
all your hardware needs
It’s time to apply
½ off Hanging
Baskets & 10% Off
Sevin Bug Killer
(while supplies last)
700 S 900 W • Topeka, IN • 260.593.3003
11930 W 250 N • Middlebury, IN • 574.825.0089
Hours: M-F 9 am - 5 pm, Sat. 8 am - 1 p.m.
of Topeka
118 N. Main St. • Topeka, IN 46571
County Council ... cont. from 36
seven member committee made up of
both public and private members. The
fund will be started with $1,500,000
from the Major Moves principal dollars and will be self renewing with the
repayment of loans which have been
made. This loan fund is to be used to
help small businesses continue to expand and develop. The combined body
approved the request on a vote of 9-0
with one council member absent.
The joint committee on the gifting/loaning money to the Michiana
Event Center (MEC) reported their recommendation of loaning the MEC up
to $1,300,000 for the purchase of the
building and sixty-four acres of land at
the State Road 9 and I-80 location. The
loan would be backed by a mortgage
and personal guarantee. It would be a 5
year interest bearing loan.
There was a motion to approve
the recommendation and the motion
passed 9-0. There being no other business the meeting was adjourned.
As always, we will try to be good stewards of
your tax dollars.
L & R Footwear
Lloyd - N - Rose Bontrager • 260-593-3709 • 7145 S 500 W • Topeka, IN 46571
Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8:30 - 5:00; Sat. 8:00 - 4:00. Closed Sunday
Tent Sale • August 3-4
Same day as Topeka Sidewalk Sales. Lots of shoes and discontinued items.
Also, have a couple new styles of shoes to check out in store.
Wolverine Durashocks
SR Boot - #1 Selling
Wolverine Durashocks®
pg 38 · The Hometown Treasure · August ‘12
Kitchenware • Gift Items • Hats
Coverings • Coats • Toys
Shoes ? Shoes ? Shoes
Wolverine • John Deere • Mucks
Skechers & Skecher Toneups • Fila
Double H Boots • Softspot • Cane Comfort
LaCrosse • And1 • Hush Puppies • Georgia Boot