The Hometown Treasure August 2012 | Page 29

Topeka Town News With the dry weather throughout the country and here in Indiana and LaGrange County, The Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) is asking towns and high water consumption users to reduce their water consumption by 10-15%. This is caused by the severe drought we are facing. Here are some things we can do to help. On July 2, 2012, the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Natural Resources issued a water shortage warning for counties severely affected by drought including LaGrange County. With guidance from IDEM, an important objective of a water shortage warning is to initiate concerted voluntary conservation ef- forts as a means to avoid shortage and relieve stress on the water sources. The Town of Topeka asks that you observe these voluntary conservation efforts by restricting your use of water in the following areas; (1) inside and outside aesthetic uses and lawn watering, (2) washing outside surfaces, drives and buildings, (3) water used for recreation and (4) washing vehicles, and any other uses that do not effect health or safety. Industrial, institutional and commercial users are asked to reduce water consumption wherever possible, including irrigation, sanitation, domestic and industrial processes. Please contact the Town Water Department at (593-3407), with any questions or comments. by Ron Eash Also, there is still a burn ban in effect, so no burning, fireworks, or throwing cigarette butts outside along the roads. This is something we don’t face very often, but remember anything you can do will help during this rough stretch of weather. Where specials spill out of shop doors and onto the sidewalks! 50¢ Hot Dogs & Pop Refresh ments wide Townrage Ga s Sale SRMA Quilt Winner Janet Faulkner from Culver, Indiana was a winner of the annual Shipshewana Retail Merchants Association (SRMA) quilt raffle. She came to Shipshewana in late June to receive her quilt. Members of the SRMA met with her at the Farmstead Inn to present her with the quilt. Topeka Trace Apartments Stop, Look, & Lease 1&2 Bedroom Apartments 260.593.2313 Left to right: Kevin Lambright Trading Place, Kristine Stutzman Lolly’s Fabrics, Janet Faulkner quilt winner, Levi King JoJo’s Pretzels and Ryan Riegsecker, Riegsecker Marketplace. Hometown Treasure Photo Mon. Wed. Thu. 1-5pm The Hometown Treasure · August ‘12 · pg 27