Meadowview Elementary
Better Business
Bureau Warning
The Better Business Bureau (BBB)
has issued a nationwide warning about
a new scam claiming that President
On May 23, Meadowview ElemenMeadowview principal Mrs. Toni
Obama will pay consumers’ utility bills
tary School opened a time capsule that Whitney asked the students if they
through a federal program.
remembered what they thought they
had been filled by students and staff
How the Scam Works
back in 2002 and placed in the school’s would be doing in ten years. The
Consumers are being contacted
answers varied from being an astrovia telephone, fliers, social media and
Two of the original fourth grade
naut to being married and being a
text messages and various other means
teachers, Mrs. Dee Hostetler and Mr.
with claims that President Obama is
The time capsule had been filled
Chan Varner attended the event, along
providing credits or applying payment
with several of the students from the
with things that the students and
to utility bills.
first Meadowview fourth grade class:
faculty felt were important to them at
To receive the money, scammers
Jeremy Stutzman, Elizabeth Miller,
the time. Every fourth grade class from claim to need the consumer’s Social
Luaine Miller, Emily Hochstetler, Lena Meadowview placed a book containing Security Number (SSN), financial inHostetler, Glenda Miller, Amanda
stories, pictures and other interesting
stitution routing number and account
Yoder and Melissa Miller.
things from that specific class.
number. In return, the consumers are
given a fraudulent financial institution
routing number to use in order to pay
their utility bills through an automated
telephone service.
The payment service initially
seems to accept the payment but then
declines it within a few days of finding
the banking information to be invalid.
The consumer’s bill has not been paid
and his/her SSN and personal financial
information have been compromised.
Helpful Tips
The BBB offers the following tips to
help consumers avoid becoming victim
of this scam:
• Never provide your SSN, credit
card number or banking information
to anyone who calls you, regardless of
whom they claim to be representing.
• If you receive a call claiming
Left to right: Former fourth grade teacher Chan Varner and former students, Jeremy Stutzman, Elizato be your utility company and feel
beth Miller and Luaine Miller.
Hometown Treasure Photo
pressured for immediate payment or
personal information, hang up and call
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