March Coloring Contest
Winner Announced
it was hard to choose this
time. It is great to have so
much participation and
that there is some good
competition. That means
that some of the really good
entries unfortunately did
not get picked, but please
keep trying! We love seeing
how creative you can be!
Honorable Mentions
went to Joyce Bontrager,
age 3; Emily Bontrager, age
3; Anita Ranae Bontrager,
age 4; Glenda Rose Smith,
age 5; Hannah Miller, age 5;
Geneva Sue Bontrager, age
5; Brian Lamar Lehman,
age 6; and Ann Hochstetler, age 6.
March Drawing Contest Winner
Winner of the March Drawing Contest School-Age Division!
illustrations of our theme,
“ C o m e B a c k Wa r m
Weather.” The illustration
below by 11 year old Joann
Page 47
Miller was selected as our
winner for the school-age
We didn’t receive
any entries for the open
division (grade 9 and up
to 115 years old.) It would
be pretty easy to win the
honors next issue if no
one else submits an entry
and YOU do! Here is your
chance for local fame
(maybe.) The theme for
April is “On Earth Day I
Will ...”
All entries are to be
two-dimensional and on
8½” x 11” paper.
The winning entry will
be published in our next
issue! Mail your entries by
April 22, to Aurora Services, Drawing Contest, P.O.
Box 744, Shipshewana, IN
46571. Be sure to include
your name, age, and address.
Phone: 260-463-4901 • Fax 888-439-6528 • The Hometown Treasure
Fax 888-439-6528 • The Hometown Treasure
Jay Miller, age six, of
600S, Millersburg, was our
March winner! Congratulations to him. He won an ice
cream treat of his choice
from Wana Cup Restaurant
in Shipshewana. Everyone
else that sent in a page can
stop by the store, claim
their page, and get a free
small ice cream cone! Be
sure to come and check
out the full size winner as
well as the other entrants!
To enter this month, see
page 46.
This contest saw a lot
of really great coloring
pages! We had so many
really good entries that
April 2011
Winner of the March Coloring Contest!